Male or Female?

See, that one just looks like a pile of mush to me compared to the other cockerel in the bunch who has very clearly defined three rows. Thank you though! It would be my luck that the first time I ever get a really sweet chick it ends up being a cockerel.
Sorry, I had to wait until LO was down for the night but I have been thinking about this and now I'm confused. Another one of the chicks has the same kind of mush-looking three row comb, with no color at all and I figured that one was pullet. (The white one from the pic above.) Sorry to be so picture heavy on this thread.

This one you can clearly see the three rows, and it is very red. Obviously a cockerel.

Then there is the one I posted earlier with the weirder looking comb. Also pretty red. Cockerel.

Then there is this beauty with the same kind of comb as posted early just no color yet.

I realize it is probably not as cut-and-dried as I would like. I am just curious for science.
So is the last one a pullet? These birds are tricky!
The first two look like cockerels,and the last one might be a pullet. EEs are often hard to determine gender on. You have to look for he 3 rows of peas in the comb since they tend to get the red color later than other breeds.
Sorry, I had to wait until LO was down for the night but I have been thinking about this and now I'm confused. Another one of the chicks has the same kind of mush-looking three row comb, with no color at all and I figured that one was pullet. (The white one from the pic above.) Sorry to be so picture heavy on this thread.

This one you can clearly see the three rows, and it is very red. Obviously a cockerel.

Then there is the one I posted earlier with the weirder looking comb. Also pretty red. Cockerel.

Then there is this beauty with the same kind of comb as posted early just no color yet. Pullet.

I realize it is probably not as cut-and-dried as I would like. I am just curious for science.
So is the last one a pullet? These birds are tricky!



Does this still look like a pullet? I know only time will tell, but I am impatient haha. What do you all think?

I can't believe its only been a week...

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