Male Pekin Ducks Over Fighting

For birds out of sight= out of mind. It is helpful for the bullied duck to have places to go. It absolutely may not work, but at this point I think it is your last option. If you aren’t able to seperate, then rehoming would be best. The other ducks may drown him
I mentioned in other replies about how I've already been sperating him for the last few days or so now, could you check those and then see if you have further suggestions for this situation? (not trying to sound rude at all btw, I really appreciate the advice)
I mentioned in other replies about how I've already been sperating him for the last few days or so now, could you check those and then see if you have further suggestions for this situation? (not trying to sound rude at all btw, I really appreciate the advice)
Yeah, no problem. I read through it, and I definitely agree that keeping him in the duck house isn’t a good solution. Could you possibly make something like this?


It is just a simple A-frame tractor. It took me about a few hours (5-7) to put it together, and mostly with scrap wood. You can find plans online. I have found it immensely helpful, and used it to seperate chickens, young chicks, ducks, rabbits, even my dog 😂 it would be a good solution until hormones calm down. You might even be able to fit a small kiddie pool in it. That way he could get fresh air, room to walk, etc.
Yeah, no problem. I read through it, and I definitely agree that keeping him in the duck house isn’t a good solution. Could you possibly make something like this?

View attachment 3520311

It is just a simple A-frame tractor. It took me about a few hours (5-7) to put it together, and mostly with scrap wood. You can find plans online. I have found it immensely helpful, and used it to seperate chickens, young chicks, ducks, rabbits, even my dog 😂 it would be a good solution until hormones calm down. You might even be able to fit a small kiddie pool in it. That way he could get fresh air, room to walk, etc.
If you put it in the run with the other ducks, that would make re integrating much easier, because they can still see each other
Yeah, no problem. I read through it, and I definitely agree that keeping him in the duck house isn’t a good solution. Could you possibly make something like this?

View attachment 3520311

It is just a simple A-frame tractor. It took me about a few hours (5-7) to put it together, and mostly with scrap wood. You can find plans online. I have found it immensely helpful, and used it to separate chickens, young chicks, ducks, rabbits, even my dog 😂 it would be a good solution until hormones calm down. You might even be able to fit a small kiddie pool in it. That way he could get fresh air, room to walk, etc.
that seems lovely, tysm. I'll see if I can get it up by tomorrow, my duck sends lots of love ♥️
If you put it in the run with the other ducks, that would make re integrating much easier, because they can still see each other
would right next to the fencing of the main run work? I'm not sure if there's enough room inside to fit the enclosure
that seems lovely, tysm. I'll see if I can get it up by tomorrow, my duck sends lots of love ♥️
would right next to the fencing of the main run work? I'm not sure if there's enough room inside to fit the enclosure
Oh, I am so glad that will work! And like I said, you will find many uses for it. Yes, next to the fencing is just fine! I like to move it everyday so it doesn’t get muddy. It’s really light so not hard. Tell you duck I said hi! ❤️
I have an all male flock and at this time of year, I have frequently found it necessary to separate either a bully or a victim. Only rarely have I done that by retaining a drake in the duck house, for the reasons you have mentioned @crumb

It's often necessary only to separate the drake inside the duckhouse at night. I use a dogcrate for the excluded drake to sleep in, and have one drake, a special needs pekin, permanently sleeping in a dog crate. However, this year, I have found that using a temporary dog exercise pen folded into compartments also works and is more flexible than a fixed dog crate.

You might be able to use one temporary dog pen inside the duck house at nignt and then during the day bring it out into the run to separate part of the run for the excluded drake.

If it's only one drake that is bullying, it might be more effective excluding him rather than the bullied drake. Last year, I had rescued pekin drake with entrenched bullying behavior. He ended up being sent to my son's house for 3-4 months where he met his match with my son's feisty female pekins! When he returned home to me, he settled down without a return of bullying behaviors. But that was an unusual situation in my experience. Separation at home is generally enough.
It's only one drake that is bullying, it might be more effective excluding him rather than the bullied drake.
I was considering separating the one that's doing all of the damage and being absolutely relentless, however, the bullied duck and the third one still do fight one another from time to time, although it is significantly less severe and doesn't happen as often. Because of these fights though i'm unsure if I should keep them together and seperate the bully, or just seperate the one being bullied as the other two get along perfectly fine. Any advice?

Also, thank you for the dog crate idea, I'll definitely look into it to see if that will work.
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I was considering separating the one that's doing all of the damage and being absolutely relentless, however, the bullied duck and the third one still do fight one another from time to time, although it is significantly less severe and doesn't happen as often. Because of these fights though i'm unsure if I should keep them together and seperate the bully, or just seperate the one being bullied as the other two get along perfectly fine. Any advice?

Also, thank you for the dog crate idea, I'll definitely look into it to see if that will work.
Try excluding the bully and see what happens. You can always swap over if that doesnt resolve the problems. It will be significantly less of a problem next year!! I had an apparently psychotic muscovy drake that attacked me last year. He's a lamb this year, not fighting me or the other boys.
Try excluding the bully and see what happens. You can always swap over if that doesnt resolve the problems. It will be significantly less of a problem next year!! I had an apparently psychotic muscovy drake that attacked me last year. He's a lamb this year, not fighting me or the other boys.
will do, tysm ❤️

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