Managing Two Roosters. (Making Them Get Along)


Crossing the Road
6 Years
Apr 6, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
Hi everyone,
I have never tried doing this in any flock of chickens I have ever owned before but in my one chicken pen, my one Black Copper Maran rooster was all by himself for a while. I recently introduced two 8 week old chicks and one, a Japanese bantam has turned out to be a cockerel. So far the rooster is great with them and has never tried to chase them or anything like that. When my Japanese bantam gets older I would really like to keep them both together and I wondering how to possibly manage that. Will the big rooster hurt him?
I am currently going through a similar situation. I ordered 10 pullets and a cockerel. One of the pullets turned out to be a cockerel.
So far, everyone is getting on just fine. They will be 19 weeks old on Monday.
The Delaware cockerel is crowing and mating the receptive RIR. The Faverolles cockerel calls the pullets to "goodies" he finds and so far has respected the much larger Delaware. They used to spar a little daily but it has been some time since I've seen them go at it. Both of these boys are nice. I had some issues with the Faverolles trying to dominate me but I took care of that and have had no issues since.
It really depends on the cockerels/roos and number of pullets/hens.
Will I end up with issues when all the pullets come into lay? Don't know. But right now it is working.
Things may be fine forever, or not. In winter, when they may be inside more because of snow, or if they are locked in due to predator issues, they may not get along as well. Then, in spring, when hormones are running high, the situation may change for the worse. And, you need enough hens so they aren't getting harassed excessively.
I'm going to say probably not. Large roosters normally just ignore bantam roosters or at worse give them a dirty look. You might want to get him a few bantam ladies so he isn't too annoying though.:)
Hi everyone,
I have never tried doing this in any flock of chickens I have ever owned before but in my one chicken pen, my one Black Copper Maran rooster was all by himself for a while. I recently introduced two 8 week old chicks and one, a Japanese bantam has turned out to be a cockerel. So far the rooster is great with them and has never tried to chase them or anything like that. When my Japanese bantam gets older I would really like to keep them both together and I wondering how to possibly manage that. Will the big rooster hurt him?
My one rooster flock has a mix of bantams and standards, they get along just fine. Yesterday there was a little squabble and the Japanese bantam actually chased off the giant Cochin with no blood at all. Trust me, I had the water buckets ready to break them up. Being raised together was really a blessing, they behave just as a normal flock does. They show eachother the good eating spots and protect eachother from danger, it's very interesting to watch :)

My Main Flock has 3 roosters with the hens and they get along perfect as well, no fighting, ever.

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