Mass Murder last night

This website is a good resource for the animal laws of various states. I found this, specific to Alabama, there:

(Acts 1915, No. 185, p. 259; Code 1923, § 3221; Code 1940, T. 3, § 5.)

§ 3-1-6. Liability of owner, etc., for injuries to livestock, etc., caused by dog while off premises of owner, etc.

If any dog, not being at the time on the premises of the owner or person having charge thereof, shall kill or injure any livestock, the owner or person having such dog in charge shall be liable for damages sustained by the killing or maiming of any livestock and for the full costs of the action.​

Thanks so much for this. I called my county extention(Jefferson), they referred me to another county(Shelby) and then they told me to call Montgomery county. Montgomery co is suppose to call me back after she finds out the laws. She wasnt very encouraging and said that the people most likely wont agree to pay... Well that I figured but doesnt mean a judge wouldnt make them pay.
So she is checking on ALabama laws and if I can get a State appointed lawyer for livestock loss.

I am going to search the Laws myself. I dont trust them to know their own laws. The officer told me last night that I couldnt track the dog owners by the rabies tag # and I did....
Make sure you add the loss of the future eggs you would have gotten. I would even add in the price of the bullets for the dogs. Thats terrible that people can let their pets roam at the cost of others.
Far be it from me to give advice...

but the very first thing I thought of once I read through the whole thread was:

You shot those dogs because they charged YOU, not necessarily for killing your chickens.

Just in case anyone has a problem with you killing them... you had no choice.
Umm, HELLO? That is the whole POINT of a rabies tag! They exist for no other reason! What a dolt. I don't blame you for doing your own research--good for you.

From looking at that website, it appears that you were completely within the law to kill the dogs, too, and to dispose of the bodies the way you did.
How awful.
I am so sorry you lost your chicks.
I hope everything works out in the end with making them pay for what there dogs did to you.

How about making them pay for chicks you could have hatched and sold? I know some silkies go for a pretty penny.
There's just no words to say how horrible this must have been for you. I am so sorry you went thru something like this. It's just not fair . People should not get away with letting their dogs roam around and do this kind of destruction!!! They should not only pay for damages but also be fined!!!
That is soooo horrible.
The owners of the dogs should not only pay for damages, but they should WANT to pay. Hopefully, they are nice people and feel bad for you loss. You and your hubby did the right thing by killing those dogs, especially since they were charging at you as well as the chickens.

I'm glad you could save a few of your chickens and I'm especially glad you and your husband are okay.
I hope you get reimbursed for the damages (financial AND emotional loss) of your pets. I am so sorry this happened to you. I can't imagine how freaked out I would be. You are strong to be here and tell us what happened.


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