Mass Murder last night

Again, I am so sorry. It's everyone's worst nightmare. A couple of large dogs on a rampage can get in just about anything. Like others posted - if it comes down to it, you killed them because they charged at you. Two large dogs gone wild are bad news and I'm glad you and your husband weren't injured.
In Minnesota it is something like acutal value of the animals and the owners are responsible but you usually get the award from their home owners insurance. Your insurance may pay and sue them for you depending on your deductible. If they do not pay there is always small claims court where you woudl win for sure with the documentation it sounds like you have.
Thanks Peeps.
I think it has helped talking about it today. It will take time to recover from this shock.
It looks like it will be a long drawn out court deal but I am going to go for it.

Heres what I have found this afternoon:
I have to figure out (FULL COST of ACTION )which the Montgomery Extension agency says includes not only the actual birds value, but the egg and chick loss for "up to" two years per bird and replacement costs for starting over... My Emotional pain and Grief and he says "other things" that a lawyer will include into the suit.

The vet called(after I called him back) and said he got in touch with the owner, however he just told them I brought the dogs in dead and that I basically found them gunshot.
He then told me he would no longer play mediator or middleman and that I had to take it up with the police or directly with the owners and not to call back and ask any questions about it... All I ask was had the owners picked up the dogs yet...simple question I thought.
Its important that they actually CLAIM the dogs even if the tags point to these people as owners (and YES!! I even took pictures of the dog tags!).

I will update as I hear anything or if the owner calls tonight.
This is just horrible. I am so sorry that you lost so many of your babies. I am glad you and hubby are ok after the dogs tried to attack both of you. It is good you got video of the chicks, someday you will be able to watch it again. Keep the good memories alive of the babes.
I feel so heartsick for you that this happened. Though I am very glad that you were not hurt, or your husband. This could have been a disaster when you went out at ten if the dogs were hanging around then.

I hope the legalities get settled and pray that you are calm inside and can start again.
That's so awful! I'm sure it was a terrible experience to go through.

IMHO to the list of expenses you should also add expenses for repairing and strengthening the coop and pen wherever the dogs got in, and possibly even expenses for fencing your property entirely to protect your flock in the future. THAT would be some serious money, and it might make a serious impression on the owners.

Good luck!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope I never have to experience that. However, I've been (unfortunately) on the 'other' side too. We live out in the country so our dogs roamed freely to keep the wildlife away from the house. Every so often they went too far and one grouped with some other dogs and attacked a new born calf. The owner did shoot and kill my dog but not his son's dog (go figure). I did not blame him for it and he was in his right but I was sad for my dog. I'm sure these dog owners feel bad about what happened to your pets but remember they lost their pets too. I should hope they will apologize and compensate for the loss and damages.
Henry'schickens :

I'm sure these dog owners feel bad about what happened to your pets but remember they lost their pets too. I should hope they will apologize and compensate for the loss and damages.

I feel sorry for the *dogs*, but I don't feel sorry for the *owners* at all. It is their negligence that led to this entire horrible experience.

Living in the country does NOT mean that it's okay to let your animals roam onto other peoples' property.​
denasfarm , keep that video of the chicks dustbathing, just in case they try to say you did not have live babies before their dogs came to finish it off. That way you can prove you had pretty live chickens and then stick it to them.

It is devastating to loose your whole flock. I lost my millie fleurs to coons and that was bad enough not to mention the dogs charging you. Normally I have a big axe in the barn and I think it would have flown in the direction of heads if they charged me! but you cannot think fast enough.

My heart goes out to you

OH and dogs can do quite a few things you don't think they can. We have to keep a clip on our Chocolate Lab's pen because the little stinker is smart enough to flip up the latch and escape.
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Amazondoc, I'm not defending the dog owner's action but I grew up believing that if you live in the country cats, dogs and a few other animal/pets along with chickens roam free in your yard. Otherwise, if you live in the city everything is under a leash law. Some stay in their yards but still get out and venture into someone else's yard. Other neighbors have loose dogs and I need to keep a close eye on my chickens when they free range. I will shoot them if they come over here and attack my chickens. But I can't make the neighbors keep their dogs penned up. So what do you do? Just want to keep peace is all.

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