MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Happy mother's day all chicken chicks out there! Got my very own mother's day present, thoughy chickens are my only "kids". New isbar chick peepping in incubator and 2 more pipping! Of course my phone is stupid and won't upload pics any more so pics later.
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Happy mother's day all chicken chicks out there! Got my very own mother's day present, thoughy chickens are my only "kids". New isbar chick peepping in incubator and 2 more pipping! Of course my phone is stupid and won't upload pics any more so pics later.
Happy mother's day all chicken chicks out there! Got my very own mother's day present, thoughy chickens are my only "kids". New isbar chick peepping in incubator and 2 more pipping! Of course my phone is stupid and won't upload pics any more so pics later.

My phone has stopped letting me upload photos as well :-(

Well done on the chick, I hope the others hatch ok as well :)
I've done zip ties as well. Just watch if you put them on small chicks to make sure they don't get too tight as the bird grows.

My phone won't let me upload photos anymore either.
Congratulations on all the hatching!

Today is my day 21. I had a big event today so I have not hovered over my broody to listen for peeps, but when I tucked everyone in for the night I did note a half a shell that had been pushed out from under mama! There's at least one in there!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day so after church this Mom will be checking to see how many babies my chickie mom might have hidden under her feathers.

Night everyone!
Good luck with the hatch!

That crazy hen is out for blood!!
I finally moved her and the eggs into a separate space because she had a bunch more new eggs under her this evening. When I did she about tore the skin off my hands and managed to draw blood before I could get her head covered. She is in the same pen but has her own private space. She can see out if she wants too and they can see in, but they can't slip more eggs into her clutch. I go through all the trouble of giving her a private little broody-hen-condo and this is how she repays me. I hope that she doesn't freak out and attack the chicks when they start hatching. I may have to pull the chicks if she does go completely crazy.
Sounds like she'll be pretty protective of the chicks.

6 Barnevelder eggs in the incubator last nightt

LOCKDOWN! !!! All kids were told "touch my incubator and you die!!!" I think I got a little protective. Still have 23 going strong. Woohoo
Good Luck!


I just hatched out chicks last month....and now one of my hens has decided to go broody under a bush. I am going to be doing a lot of traveling this summer so I really wasn't planning on hatching out any more eggs until the Fall but...should I let her hatch some eggs? I feel so sorry for her sitting there & not getting any babies.

I am telling myself it'll be ok to let her hatch chicks if I get sex-linked ones so I can sell the cockerels right away....
I would let her hatch.

Quick question. When you go into lockdown and add extra water, how long does it take for the room temp water to heat up to 99 degrees in a styrobator? Do you all typically add room temp water, or warm water? I've lost a couple right about the time I lockdown, and just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong.
I always use warm water.

This is why i do not like NOT being home for stuff. I saw pips this morning but i have to go to work. I left at 6am i get home at 8. Well 1 hatched. Then 2 more were zipping my kids at home sent me a pic. I see the hygrometer is at 45% i called her told her to add some wayer through the syringe i have set up through the vent with iv tubing .she said its at 71% does it still need water. I said no , but why the difference? She opened it to get the shell out and to get the chick unstuck from the carton
OMG by this time my grandson who was watching and is almost 8 thought he would help by doing what ... putting the water in the syringe in the trough for her. So she calls me tells me the humidity is at 99% "is that okay?"...
omg.... now i have 3 hatchlings none are dried my cartons that were holding the eggs upright are wet! Wet wet
so at 99% and there is condesation on the lid i very quickly removed the eggs from the carton laid them down replaced the lid. Then i took the syringe and pulled water out through my tubing. My humidity is now at 88% still to high just hoping its okay. Lots of pips going on.
One chick wont open its eyes not sure if they are stuck or what it is also maybe squishy? Kind of bloated looking has wet poo stuck to its bottom but is moving around the bator climbing all over the other eggs.

Any advice?
If you have a chance, get the chicks somewhere dry and warm. If the humidity is that high still.
First time Broody-Hatcher here... I have a Silkie that goes broody every 6-8 weeks. It take me several weeks to break her, and then 2-3 weeks later she's back on a nest doing her best to hatch non-fertile eggs.
So last week I broke down and bought 7 eggs from Papa's Poutlry.

So I'm in!! I'm going to let her try to hatch 3 chocolate and 4 lavender mottled Orpingtons!
I gave them to her Thursday morning, and she "back-hoed" them under her one by one. Due date is Friday, May 27th! I planned that so I'd have the nice long weekend to spend with some new babies. (hopefully!!)

Cross your fingers that she doesn't decide to stop being broody now that I bought her some eggs!

Papa's Poultry is awesome. I have hatched Orpingtons twice from them and the chicks have been healthy and gorgeous. The chocolate ones are really beautiful. I am thinking of getting some Bielefelder eggs from him this time cause I want sex links. Good luck!
First time Broody-Hatcher here... I have a Silkie that goes broody every 6-8 weeks. It take me several weeks to break her, and then 2-3 weeks later she's back on a nest doing her best to hatch non-fertile eggs.
So last week I broke down and bought 7 eggs from Papa's Poutlry.

So I'm in!! I'm going to let her try to hatch 3 chocolate and 4 lavender mottled Orpingtons!
I gave them to her Thursday morning, and she "back-hoed" them under her one by one. Due date is Friday, May 27th! I planned that so I'd have the nice long weekend to spend with some new babies. (hopefully!!)

Cross your fingers that she doesn't decide to stop being broody now that I bought her some eggs!
Welcome! Glad you're going to let your broody hatch. She seems determined!

47 quail eggs spread between two hatchers since I'm not sure which one's the best. Why not experiment, eh? At least one egg was already rocking and I could hear him pecking when I put the egg to my ear. One more early quitter in the bunch that I missed last time. The ducks are in incubators now and my mother's 50 quail eggs took my eggs' place. Tuesday is lockdown for almost 40 chicken eggs and the ducks will be moved to the turners. Hopefully their air sacks will settle by then.
Good luck!

I have one turkey hatching and one hatched and there is still one under my broody that should be hatching in a few days

Day 20 and I see a lovely pip in an isbar egg. Go baby!

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