MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Our first ever broody, Ruby (Begonia) is a mama just in time for Mother's Day! She's hatched 3 so far, we removed 2 clears and put 2 chickens hatched earlier today + 3 pipped eggs. Looks like we'll have at least two BLRW!


*squealing madly and jumping up and down* another pip, another pip, another pip!!!!!

This coming week I lock down my runner duck and royal palm turkey eggs I got from the crazy 24 hour auction thread. Hoping for better success with these turkey eggs than the 5 I got from a friend. I know at least 3 or 4 runner ducks were alive and active when I candled around day 14..

. I am hoping I can use some of my graduation gift money to buy me a better candler (one of those ovascope high intensity ones)... I just am having such a hard time with a flashlight to be sure of what looks right.

I am wanting to also get some more turkey eggs to hatch in the near future...

Meanwhile I wait and hope until it is time to candle and lockdown to see how things are going... am due to candle the chicken eggs that are incubating too so hoping for a lot of signs of life later this week and lots of hatching next Sat while I am away at graduation.

That is my current update/hatch status.
Good luck!

Saturday 3.5 hour drive one way to get JG hatching eggs. Pick uo eggs and talk and stretch just to turn around and drive em home. All 18 are in the bator. My rear is still numb and my back is giving me fits from being idle. We made it there and back safe thank God! I realize some people think I am nuts for it. Why did you not just have them shipped? Well I would have if I trusted my 22 yr old to get his self up to go get them and set em, but I don't at this time. Burr under his saddle currently. So yup I just went full crazy chicken lady on this one
But hey I will hopefully have some awesome freaking birds soon.

Good Luck!

Opened the coop and peeked at the broody, saw two little faces peeking out! I'll chch her out god after church.Yay, fluffy buttts!

Hoping to have some chicks in the next couple of days. A dozen FCBM's, and the other dozen eggs are mixed between Ameraucana's, FCBM's, and FCBM-Ameraucana crosses.

This is only our second attempt to hatch eggs. A couple of months ago, we hatched 8/12 (7 lived) Buff Orp's, and 11/12 (10 lived) barnyard mixed eggs.

Just put the incubator on lockdown yesterday evening.

Here's hoping!

Hoping to have some chicks in the next couple of days. A dozen FCBM's, and the other dozen eggs are mixed between Ameraucana's, FCBM's, and FCBM-Ameraucana crosses.

This is only our second attempt to hatch eggs. A couple of months ago, we hatched 8/12 (7 lived) Buff Orp's, and 11/12 (10 lived) barnyard mixed eggs.

Just put the incubator on lockdown yesterday evening.

Here's hoping!
Good Luck with your hatch!
@mlm Mike the wayer i took out via syringe dropped the humidity to 74%. I had 5 hatchlings this morning and they were all dry. Lots more pips. Daughter just texted me" you have 7 babies lots of holes and NO i did not open the top!" Lol


Came from the green shell maybe an oliver egger?

Another isabell breaking out and a barnyard mix hatchling thats the one that wouldnt open its eyes last night and looked kind of mushy but it looked great this morning has a sot on its head any guesses what might be. Came from a light brown shell maybe a plymouth rock?
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Came from the green shell maybe an oliver egger?

Another isabell breaking out and a barnyard mix hatchling thats the one that wouldnt open its eyes last night and looked kind of mushy but it looked great this morning has a sot on its head any guesses what might be. Came from a light brown shell maybe a plymouth rock?

Where'd you get your Isabelle eggs from?
@mlm Mike the wayer i took out via syringe dropped the humidity to 74%. I had 5 hatchlings this morning and they were all dry. Lots more pips. Daughter just texted me" you have 7 babies lots of holes and NO i did not open the top!" Lol
Great, glad things are working out.

Okay, Sally, here's the news you never thought you'd see.
I just set a dozen RSL eggs, all from my girls.
Is 21 days up yet?

@Sally Sunshine
Welcome Whites! Good luck!


Came from the green shell maybe an oliver egger?

Another isabell breaking out and a barnyard mix hatchling thats the one that wouldnt open its eyes last night and looked kind of mushy but it looked great this morning has a sot on its head any guesses what might be. Came from a light brown shell maybe a plymouth rock?
Cute, you have a lot going on in there!

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