MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

42 pages behind... don't think I'll even try to catch up!

My little injured chick has made a complete recovery! YAY!

In other news, lost one of our hens this weekend to what I assume was a hawk, I found a small mound of feathers and a few random feathers every couple of feet and past the fence line and then nothing. :(

42 pages behind... don't think I'll even try to catch up!

My little injured chick has made a complete recovery! YAY!

In other news, lost one of our hens this weekend to what I assume was a hawk, I found a small mound of feathers and a few random feathers every couple of feet and past the fence line and then nothing. :(

I'm glad your chick recovered. Sorry you lost a hen.
Just filled muh bators.

I need a bator to fill

Gah! That dog is sitting behind me now, offgassing! Anyone have a cork? Could that stuff be harnessed as fuel for a propane tank? It's enough to make you wish you didn't have a sense of smell! Sometimes I wish dogs didn't find raw eggs so tasty...XP
ewwww sorry

I don't want to mess with them too is very very protective

As she should be

:oops:   I had the baggie on the table, right next to the ice water, and then totally spaced putting the transmitter IN the baggie and just dropped it in the water.  Yeah, I really did that.  I was being so careful to make sure that I had the correct amount of ice and the correct ratio of ice to water, and that I'd stirred it for the correct amount of time before putting the thermometer in - yeah, well.....I ain't always the brightest crayon in the box, ya know?  And no, it no longer works. Well, that's not exactly true - it works, but I no longer trust it in my incubator.  I only trust it enough to tell me if I should wear a long sleeved shirt outside or can get by with a short sleeved shirt.  BTW, this is a total secret.  I don't want anyone else to know I did this, okay?  :he

Oh poor blooie!! So sorry!!

do they have pink toes??

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