MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Day 21! I had to leave for work but I left with 1 external pip out of 6 eggs. Hoping I come home to some babies!
Father is an EE. Eggs are 1 from Australorp/Marans mix, 2 from Blue Marans, 3 from Red Ranger.
The Australorp/Marans egg is the one pipped!
Good luck
Hopefully she'll get to watch her purple chickens hatch.

That's great! I love that guy too!! Lol
Awww!!! Cute
good luck with the rest!
sorry about the losses but it sounds like the budgies are doing very well :)
thats awesome congratulations!!!
C'mon chickies!!
So sorry about the predators! I am dealing with one myself, again :hugs
Congrats on the 3! Awesome on the colors!
That stinks! Hopefully the broody will have better results
sorry about the losses ! Good luck with the rest!
always sad to hear about Silkies not hatching but congrats on the rest !

Sorry about that. I hope the broody has a good hatch!

 Good luck!

  Congratulations! Sorry about the 3 that died during hatch.Good luck with your EE eggs and the turkey eggs.


Purple chickens? What breed will these little pretties be??

Not my chickens but I believe they said Lavender Orpingtons.

:woot [COLOR=4B0082]Gorgeous chicks!!  Sorry to hear about the quitters.[/COLOR] :hugs
[COLOR=4B0082]I am LOVING your tenacity regarding the turkey eggs! I can see baby turkeys in your future.[/COLOR] :thumbsup  

[COLOR=4B0082]Wow!!!  :eek:   That's a whole lot 'o broodies you've got there! :bow [/COLOR]

[COLOR=4B0082]For myself, I haven't decided if I like the broody thing yet or not...:gig  [/COLOR]
[COLOR=4B0082]I've got four with hatched babies and two due Monday.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=4B0082]The chicks do really well with them...but my chicks are SO wild! [/COLOR]
[COLOR=4B0082]And it IS a challenge to fit all the broodies into the existing chicken[/COLOR]

[COLOR=4B0082]Good luck with your broodies...especially #8!  We're pulling for you! Please let us know how you make out. :hugs [/COLOR]

[COLOR=4B0082]X2   I'm very curious as well![/COLOR]
[COLOR=4B0082]Did I miss something said earlier??[/COLOR] :oops:

[COLOR=4B0082]On a separate note, I find it interesting how so many different breeds have some of the same looks. Very cool![/COLOR]

Lol, thank you for all the well wishes!

They are Lavender Orpingtons :) Our daughter is two and calls them her purple chickens. She already wants to name one Periwinkle (Tinkerbell's sister's name), so they might all have Disney fairy names, lol!

She's home with me during the day and sleeping like a newborn for the past week, so there's a good chance she'll see them hatch as long as I don't make any first time hatching mistakes.

Finally got the photo embedding to work on my phone. Here's one of our Russian Orloff embryos at day 9. I have a really cool video too, but no idea how to upload that.
Lol, thank you for all the well wishes!

They are Lavender Orpingtons
Our daughter is two and calls them her purple chickens. She already wants to name one Periwinkle (Tinkerbell's sister's name), so they might all have Disney fairy names, lol!

She's home with me during the day and sleeping like a newborn for the past week, so there's a good chance she'll see them hatch as long as I don't make any first time hatching mistakes.
Poor thing is going to be crushed when she finds out they are really more of a pale grey color instead of purple.
Poor thing is going to be crushed when she finds out they are really more of a pale grey color instead of purple.

Haha! She's seen pictures of Lavender Orpington chicks, and she saw the parents at the farm where we picked up the eggs, so she knows they're grey. She just thinks it's funny to call them purple :) She's a few months from being three and pretty calm for her age.
Looks like I have 4 ducklings out.. A couple chocolate, a blue and I think a lilac, I'm thinking about keeping those last two. ;) The last two ducks I kept are big enough to to hang with the flock during the day so that is nice that they are getting along!

I just hatched one Silkie so far from my eggs... Most of the other eggs have been horribly malpositioned probably because they didn't loose enough moisture... Not even a pip. It is a very chill little chick though. It is still in the incubator and doesn't make a sound. I have given it vitamin water but I should probably feed it soon.

My first broody of the season has still been in a little coop with her babies and went broody again! I put 5 Silkie eggs under her, she is a good little mama!
We have Silkies!! So far we have 4 yellowish ones and 2 blackish ones, and a few more pipped.

The first little black hatched has really bad splayed legs. And one of the yellow ones was an assisted hatch - I was a nervous wreck but got it done. He pipped on the pointy end, and was positioned in such a way that his head would only go one way, and he already had that hole pecked - just couldn't get his head moved to chip away at the rest of it. He's got curled feet. So I need to get the vet wrap back out and wrap them.


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