MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Today was awesome! My silkied hen got reserve champion female and champion female silkied! Finn got 4th place in the males prospect class. Truffles made it into the second tier and Kingsley got 3rd place silkied male! I'm very proud!




That is so cool. Congrats. Where was the show?
my hatch is almost over for Miss Paula She has Black Australopes. She bought me 11 eggs, May 15 th. 3 didn't develope, 1 hatched on May 29th, 2 on the 31, 1 on June 1, 3 on the due date June 5 morning, 1 left if it hatches.
My longest hatch ever. Eggs all from the same hen....
My broody silkie Mary Anne who's on her second clutch of the year is done with her hatch. All 5 eggs developed one was killed day before yesterday by an overly curious auntie it's yolk was absorbed and navel closed so it would have been viable. My guess is that it was cheeping like crazy while was pipped or zipping.

Of course I separated Mary Anne after that. It was only an oversight on our part that we hadn't separated her yet, but as she's quite a nasty broody sometimes we figured in the end she would be okay BC she is for incubation. I couldn't believe she let the other hen do that.

Anyway two hatched the same day as that little one was killed and the third the next day. Yesterday after still no progress from the last egg no pip even we decided to candle and open the air cell. As I suspected it was DIS. Eggtopsy will be done today. It was clearly malposotioned other than that I have been trying not to make assumptions.

When Mary Anne was broody around Easter she had a 100% hatch rate and made a wonderful mother for several days but then began pecking her chicks and other chicks. We ended up having to pull her from the brooding side of the coop and put her back with the main population. It was hard but had to be done as her attacks became quite vicious, with her shaking and tossing the chicks.

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