Michigan Thread - all are welcome!


My family doesn't live around here and the ones that are the closest (1 hr. away) raise their own chickens and it's usually a fight when we visit long-distance family, who gives who how many eggs. I had a neighbor that bought the eggs a couple of times but they quit early on, dunno why. I only had one regular and he hasn't been by. He told me once that he usually bought from a guy down the road (who had a coyote decimate his flock) so I figure since that sign is up now that he's back with them. A few of my husband's coworkers buy them occasionally but it makes me nervous because it goes against, not company policy necessarily, but certainly company interests (Meijer Inc.). The last thing we can afford is for him to lose his job over chicken eggs. The farmer kitty-corner to me gets them from the neighbor next to him and gave me a dirty look when he found my chickens in our field (that he plants and sprays), like I just poisoned the eggs. Pretty sure he'd never buy them from me after that. And that's it. I'm hoping that warmer weather will help people loosen up a bit. It's all I got.
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Wow, it sounds to me like there is something in the works for you.
There's a reason your path is being directed and doors are being closed. It's to help you find the one that's been opened. My opinion anyways.
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Good morning everyone! Freezing cold, jsut like everyone else. I really want some warm up so I can get my chicks outside. I told my husband that I would get some Guinea hens and I will need room in the brooder for that!

Everyone seems to be feathering out nicely. I'm still trying to figure out if my tail less chick is a roo. I think they are starting to look more like New Hampshire Reds. Time will tell.
I all! I'm in mid-Michigan. I was on a few years ago (totally forgot my user name/email and my password!) so I'm starting a new profile. I have 13 hens (all different breeds) and 1 RIR rooster (Elvis), a Morgan mare, 2 mutts, and a wonderful loving husband and two amazing daughters.

I'm with you all in wishing the warm weather would hurry and arrive. Anxious to start working on the yard and get the garden ready.

Have a blessed evening!
Welcome back! You are just down the road from me! We are in Millington :)
I am certainly looking forward to warmer weather but I don’t want a repeat of last year. What was it in the 80s this time last year followed by a late frost? In my area the local apple/peach orchard lost their entire crop. I hope they have a great year this year to make up for it.

I would like to say thanks to those who welcomed me back. That was nice. Well back to work for me, have a great day.
Still very cold out, but the dogs and I enjoyed our walk thru the fields. For all that snowing, not much on the ground. Wonder where the snow finally fell when the wind died down.
Picked up our new camper trailer yesterday. Have several dates for camping. Hope the weather warms up by the end of May.

Those silkies are beautiful!!

Stay warm and have a good day
Love the silkies!! The only thing wrong with them is are they real? They look so not a chicken and soft and fluffy and sweet, are they sweet?

Good Morning All, cold here to, lots of snow on the ground and ice we are never getting spring.

Hi fellow Michiganders! I joined BYC a couple years ago when I got my first Chickens, then I kind of fell of the face of the farm lol. I have a batch of 6 new Silkie chicks on the way and I can't wait to show them off. Looking forward to talking to all of you!

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