Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

just came in from locking the chickens up..
had to put one of my hens down, I suspect internal laying, same symtom as her sister i had to put down in november.. i read this is hereditary, so i am hoping that her other sisters are safe.. although another one is looking symtomatic.
just came in from locking the chickens up..
had to put one of my hens down, I suspect internal laying, same symtom as her sister i had to put down in november.. i read this is hereditary, so i am hoping that her other sisters are safe.. although another one is looking symtomatic.

:( Sorry to hear it.
Grandma with baby goat is priceless,

Love the baby chicks. I thought most TSC get their chicks from Town Line

Love the baby chick pics

Grandbabys are the best.. do you sit every day? the blue roo is sween

Looking forward to some sunny weather, need to get some outside clean up started.Sure hope the snow melts soon
Good Morning all, looks rather cloudy out, thought we were supposed to have lots of sun today
Oh well maybe later....
On my way to Fenton this AM to meet some friends for the day, lunch, greenhouse and sounds like an auction. Means the poor hens will have to stay in the run today, don't dare let them out if I am not home,

I know what you mean Kimmi, My sister retired from teaching to watch her girls kids when they started having children, The 6th and last one will be in kindergarten next year she and her husband (who retired when the second daughter started having children so he could help)
are so happy,..I don't know how they did it. I babysat for all my sisters and 1brothers kids when mine were young but that is a whole different ball game when you are in your 20-30's once you hit 50-60's chasing children becomes a lot more tiring. On top of that you have an illness. He sure is cute though
What is internal laying?
Is that the same as egg bound? What are the symptoms? Trying to learn all I can BEFORE possibility of my facing the problems.

Coop parts coming Monday and Chickens soon as I am ready from my friend that is relocating.
Sorry for your hen naglady... I'll keep my fingers crossed for their sisters that they will be ok.

Welcome bluebirdnanny. Sorry if I missed giving you a welcome earlier!


I am looking forward to some sunshine today as well!

Hubby is working this morning, our 14yr son has bowling this afternoon. We had plans tonight to out to a friends house for the evening... play cards & visit. Not sure on that yet. My daughter is no longer contagious from her strep since she's been on antibiotics since Thursday... but that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't carriers, even if we are feeling fine, & I would hate to spread the bacteria to our friends. We'll see.

I'm planning on candling my eggs today! I love candle day... it's always fascinating to me no matter how many times I've done it.

Well, my first cup of coffee is down... time for a refill, and maybe figure out something for breakfast. No, it won't be bacon today... We save cooked breakfasts for Sunday. BUT, that doesn't mean it's not on my mind! LOL

I am ready for some sun shine! We are going today to pick up a play house that we are converting to a coop. I'm pretty excited. It's much larger than I originally planned for. The foot print is 7x8, it has an opening for windows and a people door. We will have to cut in pop doors and install windows and the door. There may already be a ridge vent in the roof, but if not, I am planning on a vent along the full length of the back, right at the roof line.

Right now my chicks are in our basement. It's 50 degrees down there and they seldom go under the ecoglow for warmth. Feathers are really coming in nicely and they are chest bumping and playing king of the hill off of the water-er and feeder. They grow up so fast! I have a question about dust baths. They have not had one yet. The ground is frozen. The only thing I have is wood stove ash. Do they need to dust bathe or can that wait until they are outdoors?

My husband wants some guinea hens. Do any of you house them in with your chickens? I understand you have to keep them cooped up for about 6 weeks so they are coop trained. If I get some, I can section off the coop so that I can let the chickens out and keep the guinea in. Hopefully that sectioning off will let them get to know each other without the guinea picking on the chickens!

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