Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Also did a heavy flock worming yesterday; It will kill all types of worms and i think protozoa too if present. I wish there was a spray for mosquitos for them. :( Anyway, i usually take a little cube of bread and squish their dose in it and give one-by-one but this time i thought i'd hide it in cake dough balls. Noooo! Too moist and fell apart and did not fool them. Then i had to force gooey cake crumby dough balls down. Only one bird did it right, my little roo swallowed his piece whole and looked for more! XD.
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Also did a heavy flock worming yesterday; It will kill all types of worms and i think protozoa too if present. I wish there was a spray for mosquitos for them.
Anyway, i usually take a little cube of bread and squish their dose in it and give one-by-one but this time i thought i'd hide it in cake dough balls. Noooo! Too moist and fell apart and did not fool them. Then i had to force gooey cake crumby dough balls down. Only one bird did it right, my little roo swallowed his piece whole and looked for more! XD.
With all the organic, and non-GMO issues, I know some people don't like to treat with chemicals (pesticides), or feed GMO. I know a lady who gave her chickens a soak in the Permethrin based soultion as a repellent for lice, tick's, and mosquito's. I have a goat spray I use on my herd that contain Permethrin.

Warning: Permethrin is toxic to felines, and very toxic to fish.
Perry back to normal! From DH's description the hawk was likely a Harrier, which has been our biggest problem predator. I'm guessing the open fields around us are good nesting areas.
Open fields are the preferred hunting areas for Northern Harrier and Red Tail hawks. Cooper's and Sharp-shinned hawks have shorter wings enabling them to hunt the woodlands.
Oh@taprock I missed your story. Glad things are better. Interestingly, I had a very close hawk a few days ago... In a tree maybe 8 ft off the ground. Not sure if it was hunting ducks or kittens :/
I got my first chickens yesterday! I don't have pictures yet, but I have a barred rock named Cersei, 3 EEs, and a golden laced wyandotte. All hatched in early March so I hope they are getting close to laying age. My two year old loves them already :)
I got my first chickens yesterday! I don't have pictures yet, but I have a barred rock named Cersei, 3 EEs, and a golden laced wyandotte. All hatched in early March so I hope they are getting close to laying age. My two year old loves them already
Welcome Mandalin! welcome to the chicken addiction Michigan group :)


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