Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I am not ready for court tomorrow...
I have spent the last 3 days doing manual labour to construct a patio for a friend.

Saturday and Sunday it was moving 4 yards of slag in the hot sun and getting it leveled and tamped. The gas tamper has relocated all of my internal organs to new locations.
Today was another yard of slag moved in the pouring rain and another dance with the tamper. At least we got to a point that the starter course can be laid. In fact, I got about 36 feet of starter placed. Only 380 square feet of brick to lay.

And she thought that this was a simple weekend project.
Just remember when they get you down, bent over, and screwing you some more, just remember that wonderful thought of their car with a whole lot of wet manure baking in their cars all day. Just say the word and the Chicken Mafia would scratch out a solution for ya.
I am not ready for court tomorrow...
I have spent the last 3 days doing manual labour to construct a patio for a friend.

Saturday and Sunday it was moving 4 yards of slag in the hot sun and getting it leveled and tamped. The gas tamper has relocated all of my internal organs to new locations.
Today was another yard of slag moved in the pouring rain and another dance with the tamper. At least we got to a point that the starter course can be laid. In fact, I got about 36 feet of starter placed. Only 380 square feet of brick to lay.

And she thought that this was a simple weekend project.

Good luck Raz, I'm sorry I cannot get out of work to come support you. I hope the court can grow up a little bit and put an end to all this petty bull crap..... PM me if you need any help.
do they have anymore if so how much money?
I am not sure what she is charging clients or if there are any left. We've been friends for a long time so she's not charging me full price. If you are on face book, PM me with your name on here and I'll put her in contact with you. I don't like to give out someone's name and info with out their permission.
I finally found a hen of mine that disappeared. Actually, the ducks found her for me as they free ranged. I thought she might've gotten snatched by a predator. Nope! She made herself a nest, with eleven eggs in total. I'd have never found them, she was so well camouflaged. Which is why the ducks as they ambled around stumbled on her and angered her. So I heard the ducks screeching and fleeing with an angry hen on their heels!

I locked her up in a mini coop and put her eggs in with her. Except she kept pacing to get back to their old location. So I grabbed a very mellow hen that is also broody (but in the main coop) and plopped her on the eggs. She happily settled herself down on them.

Ten out of eleven eggs are fertile and developing. So even though I did NOT want to hatch eggs this late in the year, the eggs are quite far in development. They will be purebred Araucana chicks, since all the eggs were sky blue, and I only have an Araucana rooster. Maybe a few will be keepers for my flock!
Been a crummy week - first I get back from Maine and get hornet stings and now my prize FG Big Mama died last night. She was laying outside drenched and in spasms yesterday morning so I brought her in and she seemed to rebound but last night went to the grassy field in the sky while staying in my den. A few of you have her offspring. Karma has it that I kept one of her does this year that I tried to sell at CS. Big Mama's mate Little Guy will live out his life alone I guess.

At least it's raining which we sorely needed.
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