Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

clearly a design flaw there.
lol, have to work with what I got sometimes..
Perhaps not. It could be the perfect opportunity to ask for a nice, new compact crossbow.
hmmmmmmmmmm .. not a bad idea!

However, I prefer this spot for bow hunting!
Hi zvacman, welcome to the MI thread... most anything goes.

Yes spray her with the blue kote, it colors the wound so the hens won't pick on it.   (and has an antiseptic as well I believe).  

For the birds that won't go in and roost... you could lock them up inside for a few days or keep tossing them in every night till they get the hint.

They all go in at night now, I was referencing that the picking on began right after they all starting going in. I have 19 hens in a 96 sq. ft. coop with 42 linear feet of roosting area so I don't think it is an over crowding situation. I wish I was able to spend more time with them to figure out who the bully or bullies are.

Today was a good day. I took my old friend to his doctor's appointment and nothing is seriously wrong. The only thing she could find is that perhaps he has pulled a muscle in his lower back. After the appointment, as we sat eating lunch, we thought about when he started experiencing pain and I pretty sure it's related to a fall he took last week in the woods.

After lunch I spent 4 hours in the woods cutting fallen timber and when I finally shut the saws off for the day, I was amazed at the amount of wood I've cut. While probably not as much as I was could have accomplished it was still was quite a lot for someone who will soon be starting his 70th year.

While my bout with MRSA, following surgery last October, definitely reduced my stamina, I'm finally starting to feel like I can accomplish something. The vast number of downed trees was seriously obstructing my shooting lanes from my deer blind and now my efforts are finally starting to show.
They all go in at night now, I was referencing that the picking on began right after they all starting going in. I have 19 hens in a 96 sq. ft. coop with 42 linear feet of roosting area so I don't think it is an over crowding situation. I wish I was able to spend more time with them to figure out who the bully or bullies are.
x2 on the blucoat, also if you put a couple of vision barriers up & in the shed, it gives some cover for lower order/picked on birds. And if you feed & water in the coop, you'll need more than one station. It would be a real help for you when this stuff comes up and when integrating new birds if you split the coop 1/3-2/3 using poultry wire. It gives you alternatives and somewhere to grow out your pullets until they reach the age to integrate. It will make integration easier because the birds will already be familiar with each other without being able to have physical contact. When not needed you can just leave the door open so they all have the whole coop.

Today was a good day. I took my old friend to his doctor's appointment and nothing is seriously wrong. The only thing she could find is that perhaps he has pulled a muscle in his lower back. After the appointment, as we sat eating lunch, we thought about when he started experiencing pain and I pretty sure it's related to a fall he took last week in the woods.

After lunch I spent 4 hours in the woods cutting fallen timber and when I finally shut the saws off for the day, I was amazed at the amount of wood I've cut. While probably not as much as I was could have accomplished it was still was quite a lot for someone who will soon be starting his 70th year.

While my bout with MRSA, following surgery last October, definitely reduced my stamina, I'm finally starting to feel like I can accomplish something. The vast number of downed trees was seriously obstructing my shooting lanes from my deer blind and now my efforts are finally starting to show.
I love that picture. If your friend can take advil, it should help with the pain as long as its not a pinched nerve. It sounds like your wood cutting is really coming along.
Darn spy window! Can't get away with anything!
Hi, chickflick! Hi, everybody! Yep, finally caught up again...

Question for @Trefoil , or anyone else with peafowl--how long do the hens lay in the fall? My pretty little Eloise is still giving me a few eggs a week. She showed up as a "stray" on a neighbor's property last fall but wasn't laying then, so I don't have any experience with when she'll quit for the year. I keep expecting each egg to be her last. But there was another one today. She's an interesting little thing.

Here she is with her BFF Bonita, the last of my original hens. (Well, I acknowledge it's an enforced friendship, since Eloise doesn't have any other peafowl to pal around with and Bonita gets beaten up by the youngsters when she tries to free range with them, but they do seem to tolerate each other very nicely).
Mine quit months ago. Its unusual for them to still be laying here this time of year. So,Please let me know when she does stop laying.
They all go in at night now, I was referencing that the picking on began right after they all starting going in. I have 19 hens in a 96 sq. ft. coop with 42 linear feet of roosting area so I don't think it is an over crowding situation. I wish I was able to spend more time with them to figure out who the bully or bullies are.
some times it is just getting the pecking order in place then it slows down

Darn spy window! Can't get away with anything!
Hi, chickflick! Hi, everybody! Yep, finally caught up again...

Here she is with her BFF Bonita, the last of my original hens. (Well, I acknowledge it's an enforced friendship, since Eloise doesn't have any other peafowl to pal around with and Bonita gets beaten up by the youngsters when she tries to free range with them, but they do seem to tolerate each other very nicely).
the P is beautiful !!
tart by putting Blue Kote on the wound to at least cover the bright red bloody spot. If that doesn't work I was considering pinless peepers. Does anyone here have any experience with them? Are they harmful to the bird? I'm new at this and don't want to knowingly harm them. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Just read your post
and welcome!! I had that problem with a hen standing inside the door pecking at every one that tried to come in, one mother hen managed to keep 1/2 the flock out one night, including the rooster.maybe you could get a trail cam and see who the bully is.?

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