Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Brennigan is it possible an egg got stuck? Is that yolk? Otherwise watch to see that your other two have no eye/ nose dishcharge, combs are full colored, and that everyone's poops are normal green with a white cap. No frothy ones; cecal poops of course will be the runny brownish which is normal. As to the grieving process, yes her friend is calling for her. They might need extra treats and encouragement for a while as they sometimesgo "off their feed". It will be realky hard to add as the other two are gonna terrorize any newb. It is because it is a small group, and they aren't free range. Not a bad thing at all but it makes them more territorial. My trick is to put food and water everywhere and to add buckets and whatever i have around to clutter the space and provide a foil against attack. This being your first add-on you must remember any adds can silently bring sickness too. And if yours picked anything up it will show itself now anyway, as they just lost a buddy. Watch, see if you have any sickness already, and either wait until spring or do any adding before the deep cold snap so if something crops up it will not be as severe.
(Novel) lol :)
Thanks, but he is a she. She lays an extra large white egg everyday. She is pure white, not a speck of any other color on her.
Good news for @preciouskitty
! I took both of them today and they are settling in nicely in their huge 2xl dog crate in the pole barnduring their quarantine period.

They are crowing like crazy and the girls can hear them;
they just haven't seen them. The dog is keeping them company, sitting next to cage. They are actually communicating, which my dog rarely does. Usually just barks and walks away. LOL

They are such good looking boys, thanks Kat for the wonderful opportunity to add them to our flock.

And I am SO happy that they were adopted by a loving family :D
They really are good boys & I did NOT want to send them to camp...

I can already tell the difference in my girls; especially a few of them that were not overly fond of the "teenagers" amorous advances! Lela (BCM) had twice stayed on the deck til almost dark cuz she didn't want any "attention"! Much, much better with 1 Roo & 14 girls!

So sorry for your loss :hit
And I am SO happy that they were adopted by a loving family

They really are good boys & I did NOT want to send them to camp...

I can already tell the difference in my girls; especially a few of them that were not overly fond of the "teenagers" amorous advances! Lela (BCM) had twice stayed on the deck til almost dark cuz she didn't want any "attention"! Much, much better with 1 Roo & 14 girls!

I am so happy the girls get a break now those boys will get a much bigger selection to choose from.

Poor Lela, now she can roam where she wants again.
Geesh twice I've had a fairly long post written..& twice BYC has crashed on me!

And roam my birds did today!!! the weather was awesome. Just got them to go in. Normally they are ready by 1600 or so.
Even let the indoor kitties enjoy it outside for a bit. Lacey, EE pullet likes to chase the cat(s); Kaia, OE pullet, sparrows; & Kali, Ameraucana, squirrels. Weird birds :)

Up at 0100 this morning...picking up around kitchen &'found the Mounds Bar recipe I got from @HillbillyHen at CS this year. Luckily I had all the ingredients :D
Whipped a batch up at 0300!!!
As some of you know, I LOVE those things :drool

Demo'd a dead hot spa and most the surrounding deck last weekend and today stacked the salvaged 15 year old pressure treated wood still in very good shape 60 feet of 2x8's and 150 feet of 1x6's.
Stashed it under the coop shed where it's dry as a bone.

Today was indeed a great day. Started off with picking up groceries for my old friend, then diesel fuel, and headed for the farm. Lots on my plate for the day so I had to hurry.

After putting his groceries away, putting salt in the water softener, and diesel fuel in the dozer, I got busy painting the fuel tank. With the sun and the wind the oil based paint dry quite quickly so I was able to rewire the pump properly. As farmers often do it was wired with what ever was on hand. I installed the wires in greenfield sheathing so now it is safe.

Next removed a coon from one of the traps and headed for the woods with the dozer to improve a path I could take a tractor and trailer on. Once that was accomplished and the dozer back in the barn I returned to the woods and filled the trailer with firewood.

At 5 the trailer was almost full so back to the house to put all the wood in the basement. I had built a chute to facilitate unloading. By 6pm the wood was stowed, the tractor back in the barn, everything closed up, and this tired old man headed for home.
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