Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

No. They are saying some USDA regulation is requiring them to be screened for scabies... but after that they are not allowed to ever leave said anonymous facility. No one I have spoken to has any idea what is going on or what they are talking about.
Sounds to me like someone pulled a dark string. just sayin
there are reblooming iris, mine have never rebloomed,however I bought some this yr that are supposed to be good rebloomer in our zone, we shall see, congrats on the Iris, hope they make it open, before the freeze
oh crud the s*** word is in the forecast tomorrow. 80% chance of rain 74% s*** .

nooooo i'm not ready yet. Still have to plastic 2 sides of the run dang it! Attaching plastic sheeting with numb fingers, this will be fun.
Why did I wait so long?

It feels like so much is rushed right now through until Christmas. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Wrapping up my business, winterizing the house (Fall kicks our booty with lots and lots of pine trees), holiday meal-planning.
Our girls can escape under our deck for some space, but we still need to put OSB on the bottom side of the side to prevent the snow going through the slats.

I know we have all heard the saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure" well, I'm looking for some dead leaves that a fellow BYC keeper may have bagged, or is getting ready to bag and put out to be trashed.
I'm looking for BAGGED leaves. More specifically without chemical treatment.
My goats are confined at the moment, and leaves are a big treat for them! My trees got a fungus, and I had to spray them. So my leaves are going to compost...
I am in the west michigan area if you aren't far from me, I would be happy to pick them up!
Thank you!!!

I'm in Holland and will have a few bags of leaves. Not sure yet when I'll be bagging -- maybe tomorrow or next week? But if you're close, you're welcome to come on by for our un-treated leaves.
Well "it" is here. The bad S-word. Enough said.
Sunshine(y) Summer Splendor? I lived in the Soo for 4 years but it never compared to Northern Maine for 11 months of winter and 1 month of poor sledding!

Anyway, it's fairly warm and drizzly here.

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