Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Wow that's a lot of eggs!
Anyway selling any chicken coops?
What are you looking for? Tractor or fixed coop? And what area? How much do you want to spend?

I can build you one from scratch or convert a commercially available shed. Don't forget to include a run when considering what you (your birds) need.
I evicted my stinkly little poop-makers on Tuesday. Of course now it's supposed to be in the low 30s for a few nights and they're too stupid to stay in their huddle box (and I have to go out at night a PUT them in it) for warmth. I finally broke down today and put a light out in a corner for them and a big board leaned up against the wall so they have a heat source. (the fixture is firmly anchored...no chance of it falling and starting a fire.) Silly chickens.

I'm going to try to get DH to help me fence the garden this weekend, although he's wanting to work on the treehouse we started for the kids before the posts twist.

I have come to the sad realization that I am going to have to rip out my entire back flowerbed. I am SO over-commited to helping with sports stuff, taking care of 3 kids, too many chickens, and a large garden, that my flower bed is basically being choked out by grass and weeds. AND i can't keep my dogs out of it. This summer when everything comes up and can be identified I will dig it up and move it elsewhere.
Wow sounds like a lot to do. Always best to give up something you can pick back up later, flower gardens can be something to look forward to.
Cold, windy and damp here today, again. Not that it seems to bother the chickens, though, they are all out side busily scratching around.
I evicted my stinkly little poop-makers on Tuesday.  Of course now it's supposed to be in the low 30s for a few nights and they're too stupid to stay in their huddle box (and I have to go out at night a PUT them in it) for warmth.  I finally broke down today and put a light out in a corner for them and a big board leaned up against the wall so they have a heat source.  (the fixture is firmly anchored...no chance of it falling and starting a fire.)  Silly chickens.

I'm going to try to get DH to help me fence the garden this weekend, although he's wanting to work on the treehouse we started for the kids before the posts twist.

I have come to the sad realization that I am going to have to rip out my entire back flowerbed.  I am SO over-commited to helping with sports stuff, taking care of 3 kids, too many chickens, and a large garden, that my flower bed is basically being choked out by grass and weeds. AND i can't keep my dogs out of it. This summer when everything comes up and can be identified I will dig it up and move it elsewhere.  

That sounds so familiar! I finally started calling my garden a "habitat" that way it's supposed to have weeds!

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