Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

What do you guys do to keep your run from stinking? Mine smells rotten. Not like poop. I think there's a layer of rotting food under the mulch. It's soft in spots even. Mostly where the feeder was all winter.
I would suggest shoveling out the area most affected, then adding dry material such as wood chips and mixing it into the to layers of dirt.

Thanks! That's what we're thinking too. Is this a yearly issue for most folks? My husband thinks it's cause we had a lot of rain this spring and the drainage wasn't good there. He has since added gravel I front of the coop and run so it should drain better next spring.
I have missed being on BYC and the many people who became very dear to me. While being an "old rooster" does mean that a life time of experiences and knowledge is accrued, the down side is that you often must face the effects of all those years. Such was my case. While my stroke was relatively mild it has affected my life in many ways. So many things that were easy before have now become difficult or impossible. But rather than focusing on what I can't do I prefer to be thankful for what I can.

When I still had my birds I found that the best material to use in a run is sand. Any organic material will eventual become damp and hold odors. With sand you won't have to remove it. Raking in some ag lime is a very effective method of odor control.
The voice of experience is always welcome, especially from from you, Opa. Hope you and yours are happy, I know your sons are taking good care of you. Went through Lansing last weekend and saw how high the Grand River was above the dam, and wondered if you were doing any fishing this year.
My run is always gross in the spring. I shovel the top layer off into the tractor bucket for the garden and put down a fresh layer of chips. Any holes get filled with sand like Opa said. Our problem is a foot layer of clay that runs underground about two foot down. I haven't had the energy to remove it.

I've decided my hubby has been replaced by an alien! He does not care for my birds but for some unknown reason he talked me into filling the incubator with turkey and olive egger eggs. He also is picking up a new WCB polish hen of breeding quality that He found for me. I wasn't going to incubate any eggs this spring so I'd have less summer work. Doesn't seem likely now. The call duck is sitting on 16 eggs but she is young and doesn't seem very reliable. My Serama is also sitting but usually they aren't fertile or quit.

Our newest bird adventure...my son just joined a 4-h racing pigeon club. The loft is done and the squeakers come in May. :p I'm not sure we really needed more birds around here but it sounds like an interesting thing for him to learn.
What do you guys do to keep your run from stinking? Mine smells rotten. Not like poop. I think there's a layer of rotting food under the mulch. It's soft in spots even. Mostly where the feeder was all winter.
Probably need to address the spilled feed.
Softness under there could be rodents tunneling in to eat.
Is your run covered, how do you keep the feeder from getting wet??

I feed inside, but like this for run 'bedding':
Here's a great description of contents and how to manage organic 'bedding' in a run or coop...and there's a great video of what it looks like.
Hi Grammie and Sam! Nice of you to stop by and say hi. Sam, knowledge is always needed. There are a lot of newbies that would benefit from your experience. Don't be a stranger.

RaZ, I don't know how to ask "how are you" I know you are in a difficult situation. Know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.
RaZ, I don't know how to ask "how are you" I know you are in a difficult situation. Know that you and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers.

I guess you just did. I'm alright. Mom passed away on Friday so I'm still kind of numb to everything. Trying to do the stuff that needs to be done.

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