Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I bought a bag of pelleted feed for Snowbird. He seems to be a bit perkier today. His beak doesn't look as raw as it did at first, so I'm hoping it isn't as painful now either.
We have a large bird (feathered feet farmyard hen) that was born with a distorted beak. Cindy trims it every now and then so it can eat. It grows back. I'm no expert but maybe that beak will grow back. Sort of like a fingernail?
My chicks are here! About 24 hours after I got the shipping email from Mt. Healthy, the Post Office called.

More pictures here:

The top of my head might fall off, I'm grinning so widely.
It seems that I have a broody hen. My buff orp has been sitting on a clutch for several days now. It will probably be a wasted effort. I don't think my chanty roo is fertile. He hasn't been in the past. I also have a duck sitting on eggs but she only sits at night. It was last year on the day of CS@@ that she hatched 22. I hope she doesn't hatch any this year. I'm not sure Dreaamz would take them. :gig

There is a frost/freeze warning for tonight. I'll be bringing in pots and baskets tonight. It looks to be a night for a fire and a movie.

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