
Hi everyone!

55 degrees, sunny, and VERY windy here today. Pretty lazy day here for me, took care of the chooks, cleaned the porch, cleaned a couple windows, and trying to convince myself to do some math.

ugh math, why do you have to do that? I can hear the wind hitting the windows, but I think I'll put a coat on and do some work outside anyways.
Hi everyone!

55 degrees, sunny, and VERY windy here today. Pretty lazy day here for me, took care of the chooks, cleaned the porch, cleaned a couple windows, and trying to convince myself to do some math.

I understand this.....

I am going to lie down and check the insides of my eye lids for holes.... At my age it is a concern and one cannot check for holes too often..
No more Easter chicks for me!! The dumb MN wind blew over the big broody house and all the eggs broke they were fluffy and wet and the yoke was all absorbed!!
Big Poplar Tree down in my drive way. I heard it crack while I was up at the house. It wasn't so big where I couldn't drag it out of the way though.

When It's windy like this I always say, "Mother Nature is cleaning house in the woods". Bringing the dead trees down to make way for those that are still growing.

Still not much in the way of green grass in my yard. I wonder with the lack of snow if there was a good frost kill on my grass. The chickens are still relying quite a bit on feed. They really clean up the fermented feed in the morning.

The lakes up here look pretty dark despite the thickness of ice. More temps like this and it won't be long until there's some liquid H2O out there.

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