
As is everyone else, we have been working outside trying to get things done. We are really close to getting the run on the coop finished. Perhaps today we can finish it. Of course, it is not the entire run I am planning on doing just a temp. one but still it will work great. I have realized in all my efforts to get 'chicken' things done, I have completely forgotten to work on garden things. Life has been super busy but I should have more time to dedicate to garden and chicken work in about a 2 weeks.
I hope everyones hatchlings are successful.
The weather has been so nice today I just can't help but be outside!

How are you doing on special blue eggs?

I have not had one since Thursday afternoon. At this rate I am going to go broke raising $1500 eggs.

Just curious, I have taken every suggestion and then some and am getting skunked. If you are getting some tell me what you are doing.

I am thinking of setting up a grill, where they can see it and cooking chicken legs and lobsters to show them what can happen to expensive things that do not lay eggs...

One girl has been giving me about one a day. My Precious Fern. (Fern and Fi (short for Fiona) are the Creamettes) She was the one that hung at the coop more than the other but all of a sudden she's Miss Popular. I noticed she roosts next to Roger last couple nights. The other I have noted intestinal sloughing for quite a while now. Almost too long. I'm thinking I'll worm her. They used to roost to gether but I'm certain Fiona is my slougher and I think I'll just get it done Since she's not laying. She sure has vigor though...whatever is going on. Usually When I see sloughing I see it go on for two weeks but not a whole month and a half. And this may solve any egg issue.
Ralphie. Go to costco and buy an 8 pack of Chicken of the Sea. Once a week crack one can open for the diamond encrusted egg hoarders.
...My DW thinks I have an unhealthy relationship with Bert, but what does she know.
DH knows Roger gets treated way better than him. I think he's jealous to be honest.

@Minniechickmama In an uninsulated coop that is my first suspicion for infertile eggs--the cold. I also looked at his back side and it looks quite unkept this spring. do you think swimmers get lost in the untidy fluff too? I thought I was seeing nice white disks on yolks when I'm scrambling up breakfast but alas...he's not getting the job done. I think also he suffered a broken toe or foot this spring and that might be reducing the action. I saw him limping a couple times. But not enough to slow him down too much. He's very ambulatory. He is definitely a Hatchery bird with flaws but he knows his way around the sticks here and I've seen him dodge many predators overhead. Plus he knows the way to the cracker cupboard in the kitchen.
Nice to the hens, nice to me and my daughter; sort of nice to DH and DS....LOL. We'll probably hang on to that bugger until he wheezes his last breath.
Dirty bums CAN have an impact on fertility or just plain getting the job done. I know I have a few to go clean this week. Time for a big bucket of warm water and start on one end and move on down. I actually trim the fluff (the fluffy feathers over the abdomen/under the vent) on some, especially the extra fluffy Cochins and Silkies so that they can breed better.
It might not have been a good idea but we got 2 BBB and 1 BBW today... There is also 2 SLW pullets.


And some pics of my cow getting a bath...

Also my eggs in the bator r hatching!!! But they r on day 23-24.
Maybe it is a screwy week and the chicks are all hatching late this week. I have a big batch in and so far only a dozen of about 130 have hatched and if this batch is a blow-out, I am going to just cry because that will mean something has gotten into my incubators or there is something wrong with my flock that chicks aren't hatching, and somebody shoot me if it is the whole flock. Nobody is sick, but this will be the 5th straight batch I have had problems hatching. Disheartening doesn't even begin to describe it.
Oh, man! Minnie, I hope it's just late hatchers for you, too. Not a lot of action besides the one little guy but Holm you've given me hope!

It was a beautiful day outside this morning.

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