Missouri Newbie


Aug 2, 2020
Hello Y'all! So glad I found BackYard Chickens and hope to become a familiar face. I'm from Missouri and my husband will hopefully be retiring in January 2021. I would like to supplement our income with the selling of Poultry/Eggs. I just started my research last week and when I say I am a newbie, literally I am a total greenhorn! I searched the web for forum groups and this one by far reached beyond my expectations!! I am going to ask lots of questions in the next few weeks to get my ducks (CHICKENS!) in a row before I completely hit my husband up about this investment (adventure). We live in a rural setting and have 2 acres of cleared land for raising chickens. I do not plan to go large scale so figure 2 acres should be sufficient.?! I plan on Cornish Cross for poultry sales and the Bielefelder for egg sales.
Looking forward to meeting you and as I grow with knowledge hopefully I can contribute something for others joining! Ranita
You are a Greenhorn, but this is a Leghorn::welcome
Beetov-Hen on boxes.JPG

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