Mistery Bantam Chicks what breed are they

By three weeks my rooster was very obviously a rooster, his comb was getting more prominent and turning darker pink. It is easier to tell if you have other chicks of the same age to compare to. A rooster well start to stand out by three to four weeks usually. If you would like post a picture of the chick in question and we will tell you weather it looks like a rooster or hen
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I'm in a similar situation. I got these three last Monday and was told they were a week old then...so that makes them about 2 1/2 weeks now. I've never seen chicks feather out so quickly which makes me wonder if they aren't older. But they were straight run..I think Bantam Cochin or Millie Fleur. All have feathered legs and no beard. But they are very flighty. The first pic is what I think one of two pullets and the second the roo. Thoughts?
can u take a photo of the feather legged chick of it standing flat...it may not be a d'uccle but a dark brahma...it will depend on the hocks

city chicken, you are right on the first being a pullet and the second a roo...do you have any other photos of their bodies or feet?
Well, it is official. 'Powder' (the name my daughter picked) is a roo...his new name is Bob (also choosen by my daughter)! Thankfully the other two are pullets.

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