
Hi All,
I too am from Billings. Have had chickens for many, many years. This year the neightbor dog came visiting so am down to 3. Means I get to start with new babies in the spring. Just found this site, which I am really enjoying and glad to see some Montanans here. Jan
Hey Thunderchicken what kind of birds do you have ?
We actually found a guy in Wyoming that distributes DE. He comes to Billings now and then. 50 lbs. $19.00. That's a pretty good price.

Freshwater Organics
Dever wyo

There's another gal from Reedspoint that meets him in Billings to get DE.

I use stall dryer as well. I like to feed DE to my chickens, dog, cat as it is a natural wormer as well.

Good to here from you !
We had 2 feet of snow in early October believe it or not ! A very wet snow even. Non since then but IM expecting it we usually get dumped on around Thanksgiving.

Happy Turkey Day !
Hi, Right now I just have three crossed chickens. Before the neightbor dog came visiting I had Light Brahma banties and Turkens. This spring thinking about Delawares and more Light Brahmas. Thru the years have tried quite a few and have to say I love em all. Need chickens here just to keep the grasshoppers down. They ate my whole garden this year. Am alll ready looking forward to spring. Happy Thanksgiveing to all. Jan

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