
right now I have all hens about 6. 4 RIR, 1 gold sex link and one unknown...ha ha. I am in the process of hatching out 18 silkies/show girls, barred rocks, RIR, and White Leghorns. I think there are a few mutts in there too
Right now I don't have much! I have 6 RIR I just hatched out 4 showgirls/silkies. I have more silkies in the bator, RIR in the bator, Barred Rocks, White Legorns and some mutts. Also I have some frizzles and more silkies coming in the male this week to try and hatch. I hope I get some roosters in the bunch.
Hey howdy hey,
Helena here. I've got about 50+ chickens here, about 13 breeds. I just hatched out welsummers and silkies and BC marans will be in the bator soon. I don't use the DE, I couldn't find it either so I use vinegar in the coops water. We had 13 inches of snow a couple of nights ago.

Hi from Sidney, I haven't got chickens yet, waiting for spring:jumpy
9 F and have had snow and ice since December
nursebay Where did you get your silkie eggs ? I don't like getting shipped eggs so IM trying to find someone around here with eegs or chicks.

I have some chicks that I would be willing to trade. They are 4 days old and are mixes. 1 silver laced cochin-cuckoo 1 aracauna/cuckoo 2 brahma/cuckoo, and 2 cornish/ cuckoo.
Hi -
I'm in Missoula county. We just passed a chicken ordinance in town and people are now "allowed" 3 hens. Apparently the Californians were snow-birding when the votes were cast... i smile thinking of renegade roosters and free-ranging chickens running around and creating a little Havana feel to this town I love so much.
I'm back in the business of raising chickens this year after a long enforced hiatus. See my story on the introduction forum. I am planning on breeding Dominiques and want to eventually sell. I have 2 straight runs coming in a couple weeks but I'm thinking of changing the order date to a bit later as I've read there's an awful lot of DOA's when they have so far to travel and it's still cold.

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