My 13-day olds looking a bit ragged. Normal? Please advise...


8 Years
Apr 10, 2011
Upstate New York
First time mama could really use the benefit of your experience...

My 12 13-day old chicks, who seem healthy and active in every way, are beginning to look a little ragged. Just part of the normal feathering process? Or cause for concern?

Absolutely normal...called the chick uglies (and for good reason)
If they are moving around, eating and drinking, and otherwise acting normal, they are fine! Once the feathers start growing in, they do start looking ragged. They go through an ugly stage for a short period, but it doesn't last long. I'm sure what you are seeing is totally normal.
That's normal, and the ragginess will move to different parts of their bodies as they feather out in different places. As the feathers come in, the down comes off in patches. Right now mine have sleek little wings, rumps, and chests, but their heads look like a stuffed animal the dog's been sucking on.
Phew! Thank you!

I thought that was probably the case, because it's the girls who are, ahem, developing earlier than the other girls that are looking a bit kerfuffled. (Don't worry, Little Red. You'll catch up. Some girls just take longer to get their...feathers.)

Plus, they all just discovered mealworms and I think they might be getting all fluffed up in the fray. I have become Tippi Hedren...

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