My Drake just laid an egg

None of them have a curled feather in pic. Does one them in person that would be the male
I just looked and no thankfully! Wow things got way easier now. I'll tell you though Dawdles is very aggressive with sex for a female Waddles sometimes does it sideways and never for long that's why I thought Dawdles was male.
Hi all this is my first post, I have a couple of Black Swedish Ducks. I thought I had 2 males then about 2 months ago I found an egg! So it turned out Waddles was female and Dawdles was male. Waddles has laid 2 eggs per day for 6 weeks even through her bumble foot infection. I saw them having sex and Dawdles would let her get on top, I guess duck Then tonight I go out to feed them and Dawdles wasn't interested, I thought he looks like Waddles when she hangs on to her egg. I watched him go over to the water pail and lay an egg!!! How is this possible? It was soft shell both of Waddles are always hard shell and I watched her lay both eggs most days. Can a male duck lay eggs? I have noticed he hasn't got on top since her bandage came off 2 weeks ago. I just thought they did it when I wasn't there. I'm kind of stunned right now I must say. There is the size difference between them Dawdles is slightly bigger with green and black bill. Anybody else have something like this happen?
Thank You everybody who helped with this oddity. I appreciate everyone taking the time to help me. I'm thinking Dawdles doesn't lay consistently because I have found 3 eggs at times and I have seen Waddles lay 2 eggs. Hormones playing a part as they are just 8 or 9 months old. Thank You!

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