My First (and 2nd) adopt and egg hatch-a-long of the year

there are probably plenty (especially if not many join) for you guys to have a few each. after I candle on Sun and update the list you guys can pick more too. :)
Ok.... So I have 51 eggs in incubators!!!!! I need HA!!!!!(Hatchers Anonymous).......

Tag anyone that like adopt an egg hatch a lings since there will, hopefully, be lots of babies to choose.

A pic of my sheet. Lol

The # that have names are from my flock and the hens name.

Lemon = lemon Owlbeard
CE = chocolate Emerald
LA = Lavender Ameraucana
SF = Salmon Faverolles
OE = olive egger

Feel free to pick now or wait till after I candle on Sun
You do need help!🤣

Lemon Owlbeard! That's so interesting!

I'll take an Owlbeard if there's one left.

How about a Salmon Faverolles too😊

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