My Rooster... is mating with my foot???

Hi, you know how roosters move when mating? Yup, that's how my brahma rooster gets my shoe everytime I come outside to check on him. I don't know why he does it, I feed him right and give him plenty of water, he has his hen(They are both free range since I have another rooster in the main hen house). The hen is currently in an incubation period and I never see him mate with her(the last time they were together was a month ago.) Has anyone else had a rooster done this to them?
Yes my Silkie rooster does it to me
So long as the rooster isn't prone to violence (with people) it's FINE.
All this fuss about "dominance", he just sees you as part of his flock (in other words, he loves you) and it feels good to him. It's bonding.
I have a 5 year old roo who's done this since the day he started "feelin' his oats" and it's NEVER been a problem -and he's the sweetest roo you've ever met.

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