My rooster is sick, acts narcoleptic. Extremely tired and constantly sleeping. I need help!

Final (hopefully) update:

He is now back outside everyday with the rest of our hens. He seems to be getting more independent and not needing our help as much. Still barely eating or drinking that we can tell, but definitely getting stronger. His walking is much better and he is regaining his spunk. I am hoping that by this time next week he will be back to normal!

Thank you for all you help!
Thank you so much, that was extremely helpful. I am not sure whether it is Mareks or not (still doing some research on rickets) but the one thing that wasn't clear to me was if it is, can he survive? I read that there are preventions for Mareks but no cures, does that mean that it is guarenteed death? If so, would it be right away or is it a long term thing like cancer? And lastly, is it very painful for the chicken?

Thanks again! I really appreciate your help and will continue researching to try to understand his problem. Have a great day!
Hi did you ever figure out why your rooster did that. I'm kind of in the same boat. I came home from work and I seen him sleeping on the ground ran over to him picked him up and he was fine. Well i put him down then he went and lied down . The whole rest of the night he kept on laying down to sleep. I have never seen him sleep. I'm worried he's gonna die. Thanks .

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