My search for my perfect breed

I have 2 SLWs and 2 GLWs and I can assure you, they are very beautiful in colour and good layers. While they are mixed with a flock of twelve chickens, we get 8-12 eggs a day. They are very friendly once you get their trust, but they defiantly have personality ;D. We also have 3 partridge Plymouth rocks and although they are not particularly bright or stunning, they have very interesting colour, I find it appealing at least! If you are looking for a lot of colour, maybe change focus to ducks;)?
Ah that's too bad! Kind of the sam
I would like to have some ducks but with our space I don't think we could do sucks as well as chickens.

Same with us, kind of, we have space but not enough coop! Wyandottes is my suggestion, but americaunas pay blue eggs!
If you go to MyPetChicken website, they have a chicken selector thingy where you answer a few questions and it gives you a list of chickens, and their descriptions, that fit your criteria. I really like using it.
If you go to MyPetChicken website, they have a chicken selector thingy where you answer a few questions and it gives you a list of chickens, and their descriptions, that fit your criteria. I really like using it.

Oh my gosh that seems like the most useful thing ever! Thanks so much! (Even though it isn't intended for me (lol) ;p )
Oh my gosh that seems like the most useful thing ever! Thanks so much! (Even though it isn't intended for me (lol) ;p )

It's great, but I don't understand why the golden comet doesn't come up in my search results by any name when it totally fits all my preferences. I wouldn't even know what a golden comet is if I hadn't accidentally bought them at TSC as assorted pullets. Lol. I'm kerrrrazzzzy about them now! :)
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It's great, but I don't understand why the golden comet doesn't come up in my search results by any name when it totally fits all my preferences. I wouldn't even know what a golden comet is if I hadn't ac identally bought them at TSC as assorted pullets. Lol. I'm kerrrrazzzzy about them now! :)

Hahaha, that is strange though, maybe their reviews don't match, or the breed hasn't been introduced to the site? I haven't had much of a chance to check it out as I have been busy tending to our bored-to-death flock :( (snow relapse)
Clicker training is an eggstremely easy and quick way to train any animal, even killer whales, and is very popular for dogs. Google: How to clicker train a chicken. ;)

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