Need advice on how to treat persistent bumblefoot


In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2022
I have a one year old female ancona duck with 1 bumble on her left foot and 2 bumbles on her right foot that have been there for months now. Every morning and night i clean her feet, spray with vetericyn, and apply original neosporin. I was bandaging her feet for a short while before it got too hot to do so. She gets an Epsom salt soak every evening as well. A couple weeks ago, the bumble on her left foot looked loose so I removed what I could with some tweezers, which just seemed to be a small scab with a small amount of stringy puss, and wrapped it for a couple days. Here's a recent picture of them



While they do look better than they did, I'm getting really worried. Her feet and beak are warm to the touch and I'm wondering if she needs to be on antibiotics. She walks just fine, has no problem eating, doesnt seem abnormally lethargic or anything, and is laying regularly. She's also had a case of wet feather since winter. Her oil gland doesn't look inflamed or anything, but it looks like it's not producing much ?

I'm hopeful she might be molting soon, my main concern is the bumblefoot but I figured I should include that just incase. I don't have access to any avian vets, and I'm terrified of giving her the wrong antibiotics, or giving them when not needed. Should I put her on them, and if so what kind ? I'd really appreciate any advice !!

Extra details:
-i have 2 ducks, 1 male and 1 female (I know it should be a 1:3 ratio, I became their caretaker under weird circumstance, but so far it hasn't been much of a problem)
-they eat mazuri waterfowl feed with oats mixed in, have access to crushed oyster shells, free range in my neighbors backyard, and have access to fresh drinking and bathing water
-half of their enclosure is a mix of river rocks and pea stones with fake grass matts from the coop to the garden which is the other half
-her poop is normal aside from the occasional diarrhea that I believe is just from chugging water on hotter days
-i haven't noticed her eating less, but I can feel the ridge on her belly, but I think the extra oats have been helping (they have 24/7 access to food)

First time posting, I hope this all makes sense !
Hi! Is the ground in your coop spiky or scrachy? Is it wet or bumpy?? I would remove any thing in the injury, then rinse it w warm water. Try your best to peel off some of the skin that are wet. I hope she gets better!

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