Nesting box question

I am unsure if I want to build a popped out nesting box area into my coop. The sort where you can collect eggs without opening the coop itself.
Only only have 5 pullets that free range all day. Their coop is large enough that I can simply place nesting boxes inside without worry of them walking in them, etc. It is worth it? Are there any benefits at all besides the fact that I wouldn't have to go in the coop?
My coop is already made and is large enough for me to crawl inside no issue. I also have two tiny humans that I care for simultaneously with my chickens so they can help me with egg gathering.
I do have some cosmetic work to do on the outside of the coop so if the popped nesting box would be good, it's not a huge deal. Any insight is appreciated.
Mine are on the outside and it is handy. I’m building an actual hen house ASAP, I have the materials. My sister has a house that the nest boxes are on the wall but a long slim door at the back of the nest box will open to the back of the nest. It is located under the roof overhang. She just has a hasp on it and a snap to go on the hasp that is also attached to the wall so the snap does not get dropped and lost. Everything is inside with no outer boxes but can be accessed from the outside. I have one that’s broody right now and the fact that the box is on the outside and the the box will be surrounded by the cold outer air the eggs may not stay warm enough. Being on the inside it also would make it easier to load and move without the nest boxes getting ripped off. I have had a slight water issue when it rains because it rests on top of the hinged side and will run into the nest getting shavings wet/damp. I am going to put gutters on the front and back to help sled the water off an then it won’t be pouring off the roof ontop of me when gathering eggs in the rain. It’s just a thought, could be don’t with most any coop.
I would not want to crawl into a coop to get eggs. Mine are on the exterior. The side drops down although a lid that lifts would work, too, depending on the size. I have no trouble remembering to close and latch the nest box when I collect eggs and rain is not a problem. I also open the clean out door and look to see if anyone is in the nest box before I open it so I don't frighten a hen in the nest box. I have a small coop so the nest boxes don't take up any floor space although my hens only lay eggs and roost in the coop since I don't have weather that keeps them in it in the winter.
I would not want to crawl into a coop to get eggs. Mine are on the exterior. The side drops down although a lid that lifts would work, too, depending on the size. I have no trouble remembering to close and latch the nest box when I collect eggs and rain is not a problem. I also open the clean out door and look to see if anyone is in the nest box before I open it so I don't frighten a hen in the nest box. I have a small coop so the nest boxes don't take up any floor space although my hens only lay eggs and roost in the coop since I don't have weather that keeps them in it in the winter.View attachment 1604951 View attachment 1604952
This is what I was planning on doing. But with the lift top. When I say "crawl into" my coop, I would only have to stand on my step stool and reach across to get an egg. Maybe I will just do a cut out door but without the popped out box.

On a side note, all of my pullets were up on the roost together tonight. I was so proud I almost cried.

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