New gander who thinks he's a chicken!

I had one years ago who thought she was a duck and when I ordered a gander for her it was funny to watch her run from him and stay with the ducks and after several weeks they were together and stayed that way for over 10 years

Thank you all for the encouraging words. I think Lucy doesn't understand why the new addition doesn't want to be around her. Like you all have said, in time he will realize he's a goose and not a chicken.
Patience is a virtue.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. I think Lucy doesn't understand why the new addition doesn't want to be around her. Like you all have said, in time he will realize he's a goose and not a chicken.
Patience is a virtue.
Yes it is so don't give up on him. I'm telling you with mating season so close now you really got him at a good time, although Lucy may scare the day lights out of him with her advances
but he'll soon get the hang of it.
It may be hard at first but it will get better! Everyone will be better off in the end. Caesar Milan the dog expert talks about power of the pack with dogs. With geese there is power of the flock! Being with others of their kind helps to normalize them.
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Last night I went to lock everyone up for the night... Guineas, chickens, and geese. Gretchen went in the goose house without any stress! What a relief! Little actions like that are a very good feeling! This morning he got in the pool! Another good sign, I think he's starting to feel at home. The New year is starting off pretty good, it helps that the sun is shinning as well! Looks like a beautiful day!
Last night I went to lock everyone up for the night... Guineas, chickens, and geese. Gretchen went in the goose house without any stress! What a relief! Little actions like that are a very good feeling! This morning he got in the pool! Another good sign, I think he's starting to feel at home. The New year is starting off pretty good, it helps that the sun is shinning as well! Looks like a beautiful day!
That's is great news!! It takes time but so worth the wait.. Congrats
Hi Miss Lydia, I have been calling him "Boy" but not sure I will keep the name, any ideas? He is use to being here now but still prefers the chickens. When I am at work he and Lucy stay in their own area and at night the both sleep in the goose house. When I let everyone out to free range, he runs to the chickens, he hangs out with them.
Just yesterday I was carrying plastic grocery bags to the house, the chickens ran towards me, I talked to them and they ran on their way. Gretchen was following them when all a sudden he started running towards me and attacked me! He was flapping his wings and trying to bite me! I tried pushing him but he kept on, I didn't want to hurt him, just trying to block the attack but I was not prepared. He hit me pretty hard on my left thigh. I'm not sure how I got him to stop but he ran off afterwards.
I'm thinking he either did not like those plastic bags or its getting close to mating season, am hoping for mating season so maybe he will decide to start wanting to be around Lucy. I feel so sorry for Lucy, she seems a bit lonely. She does not like the chickens and she goes off alone to eat grass. I give her more attention and treats just because she's my Lucy!
Hi Miss Lydia, I have been calling him "Boy" but not sure I will keep the name, any ideas? He is use to being here now but still prefers the chickens. When I am at work he and Lucy stay in their own area and at night the both sleep in the goose house. When I let everyone out to free range, he runs to the chickens, he hangs out with them.
Just yesterday I was carrying plastic grocery bags to the house, the chickens ran towards me, I talked to them and they ran on their way. Gretchen was following them when all a sudden he started running towards me and attacked me! He was flapping his wings and trying to bite me! I tried pushing him but he kept on, I didn't want to hurt him, just trying to block the attack but I was not prepared. He hit me pretty hard on my left thigh. I'm not sure how I got him to stop but he ran off afterwards.
I'm thinking he either did not like those plastic bags or its getting close to mating season, am hoping for mating season so maybe he will decide to start wanting to be around Lucy. I feel so sorry for Lucy, she seems a bit lonely. She does not like the chickens and she goes off alone to eat grass. I give her more attention and treats just because she's my Lucy!
Well I'm glad Boy has at least settled in. and sounds to me like mating season attitude he is displaying, but Sam goes all crazy when i push the wheel barrow around where he is, they are so temperamental. Next time you go out carry the broom or a long pole and if he comes at you put it down in front of him, sometimes I even have to lightly poke Sam to get a grip. But being bitten is not good I have been bitten many times and it hurts. I also will sweep Sam away with the broom too. I haven't ever hurt him other than his pride but biting is a NO NO.I'm thinking the first time she starts showing interest in mating he'll forget all about those chickens.

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