New member

Welcome to BYC. Be sure and keep a close eye on the Leg bands. Chicks grow so fast, that you don't even notice how much bigger they've gotten, till you look back at a photo.
Thank you janiedoe, I will.

Now that I can tell almost all pairs apart, I'm gong to remove all but the cream legbar and color pack blue (they are hard to tell apart from their sister of the same breed at this point).
Good evening,

I am new to raising chickens. I am 1 whole week into raising 18 baby chicks after planning to get them for a year. They vary in age now from about 2-3 weeks old-all from Wilco. The breeds are 2 of each: Dominant Copper, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Cuckoo Marans, Cream Legbar, Speckled Sussex, Color pack blue, Blue Andalusian, and Black Silkie. I might have gotten carried away for a newbie 😂

I was nervous about telling them apart and put a leg band on one of each pair, but have found that physically and behaviorally I can already tell them all apart. I enjoy watching how each breed and individual is different and am excited to see how they grow.

We live on a good sized property in rural Oregon, so while not a 'backyard', these chickens are pets and future egg suppliers for our family and friends. We purchased the home that my husband grew up on that was a working cattle ranch. It hasn't had animals for decades, so we've been mainly updating and demoing the worn buildings and fences, and adding gardens for the last 2 years. We have 1 doodle dog as well. The last of our 4 kids is headed to college in the fall, so instead of emptying the nest, it looks like I'll fill it back up with animals 👍.

My husband and I are self employed, so scheduling can be either hectic or flexible ar any given time.

I discovered this site from googling all my questions in preparation. Most answers were from here. I look forward to learning from the experiences of others in this group.
Welcome. It sounds like you have a beautiful - well picked out flock. Please send pics if that is possible.
Some blurry picks of the chicks 3 days ago. I wish i could get a good picture in the brooder, but it all comes out red😂


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Welcome!! You’re chicks are adorable, do they have names??
No names yet. We've made lists and are waiting a bit as they're looking different. watching their unique behaviors as clues too. There's a definite spazz, a runt, an adventurer, etc.

Young adult kids will be home next Friday, so we plan on group brainstorming then.
No names yet. We've made lists and are waiting a bit as they're looking different. watching their unique behaviors as clues too. There's a definite spazz, a runt, an adventurer, etc.

Young adult kids will be home next Friday, so we plan on group brainstorming then.
Haha my family always used to tell me to name my chicks as soon as I got them but I always wanted to wait to see their personalities a little more

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