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I've currently got Pecky,( not very original name I know , blame the grandchildren ) in my summer house, I've treated her for eyp, using the oregano and cinnamon bark remedy, she was very poorly , now after nearly 4 weeks she's back to weight and even laying again, however her balance is poor, so worried about reintroducing her as I only realised that she was unwell after being attacked in the flock. I've started putting her in a separate coop in the chicken run for a few hours a day. But I fear that I may not be able to fully integrate her back if she has issues, not sure if it's something neurological , to do with the pecking on her head
Welcome. I just love chickens and wish I had - had them earlier in my life, but, one of the things that saddens me is that they are wired "flock first", which makes them want to eliminate any member of the flock that they think is weak or diseased. However, it has been my experience that roosters are much more empathetic.
I've currently got Pecky,( not very original name I know , blame the grandchildren ) in my summer house, I've treated her for eyp, using the oregano and cinnamon bark remedy, she was very poorly , now after nearly 4 weeks she's back to weight and even laying again, however her balance is poor, so worried about reintroducing her as I only realised that she was unwell after being attacked in the flock. I've started putting her in a separate coop in the chicken run for a few hours a day. But I fear that I may not be able to fully integrate her back if she has issues, not sure if it's something neurological , to do with the pecking on her head

Hello and welcome to BYC! I've kept birds separated from the flock but within sight of them. These birds have all done well. You can also find 1 other bird that does get along with her and kept them together. They should both do fine.
Welcome. I just love chickens and wish I had - had them earlier in my life, but, one of the things that saddens me is that they are wired "flock first", which makes them want to eliminate any member of the flock that they think is weak or diseased. However, it has been my experience that roosters are much more empathetic.
This is an older post, but I have a question about your handicapped you keep them in a separate pen? And do you just accept that that is how it will be because they will otherwise get pecked?

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