New Suedelettes! BBS Orp Chicks- NEW Pics - 8 Wks- Post 58! 10/2

Hey, Cyn, what is the temperament like of Suede and his mates and they're kids? Well, I know about Suede, but what about the girls?
Hmm, what to say about Dusty, Smoky and Meg. None of them like being picked up. Smoky will screech like a pterodactyl when you pick her up and when you put her down. Dusty and Meg don't do that, but you have to corner them to catch them. Meg has had so many bumblefoot surgeries, it's no wonder she doesn't want to be caught, but she's a very sweet girl once you have her. In general, I find the BBS Orps to be drama queens--as in, "Oh, no, you're touching me! You can't touch me! Gah!"
Meg is 1/2 Buff Orp and 1/2 RIR but the BBS Orp personality has rubbed off on her a bit over the years. She's about to turn 5 yrs old along with Suede.
Yes it is perfectly fine with me because there is a rumor going around that 4 more have just hatched for me in the Georgia area so I am sure there will be a boy in there for me and if not I have my adorable Hector. I think Atlas and his brother would be good companions for one another and they are gonna be good sized boys for sure. Hang tight on the plans, tons of stuff going on but I swear I will give as much time and notice as possible.

Gotta run and do floors and such before appraiser gets here. Keep fingers crossed all cause we want to buy this place and get on with it. LOL
It went great, should have report done in a couple of days. Woot getting closer and I think I am actually getting a bit better.
Super! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Don't feel bad about needing more time to take care of business! Vic and I are taking advantage of the beautiful weather and are putting siding on my house, plus Mom is having eye surgery tomorrow, so my next week is mostly spoken for.

Four more Suedelettes? Not only a singing group, but the backup chorus as well!
That is the rumor....hehehehe. It is looking like closer to the 15th 16th area. I have Russian Orloff eggs in the bator due late on the 12th/early 13th and I want to be here when they hatch....not leaving my bator with a bunch of men to not watch it. LOL
Sending you a PM now. It looks like a return trip planned for the morning of the 16th, Sunday. We were thinking somewhere around Bowling Green maybe not too bad for you but I am checking our route now. I will send my cell number, if you do not have free long distance, send me your number and I will call you this week.

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