New to this, need a few suggestions..

here's another problem, .. i'm using an 80 watt bulb, and i have to putty in the opposite corner, it's not up to temp, i can either change to a 100 watt bulb but then the side closer to the light is HOT or i can add another light kit and use 2 bulbs...

Also, planning on going out today and getting bubble wrap for the back and sides, and maybe a sheet of Styrofoam to go on too... the blanket isn't working ...

The eggs are being shipped out Monday..

your thoughts?!?

(farty putty came from the dollar store, what can I say.. I'm cheap)
2 bulbs sounds like a good option have you thought of using the heat reflecting foil that you use for radiators? that might work instead of the blanket
An aquarium will be tough to build a bator into... it will be hard to maintain a steady temp because glass doesn't insulate well at all. Do U have an old cooler laying around? Here's a link to one of my vids on youtube:
no i don't, and i tried to find a Styrofoam one, but it is way too small..
"hard to maintain a steady temp" hence the 3 cpu fans
trying to work what what i have..

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