
R Wind

Mar 7, 2023
North Alabama, zone 7B
Hi, all. New to chickens. Bought 6 Rhode Island Reds from a friend. They are 4.5 months old, already time is passing and I was told they should be laying soon. ( Not risking chicks yet.)

I have Harvey Ussery's new edition book and one of us has been watching chicken videos for several years. We will need lots of coaching. ( Is there a novice forum?)

Still have them in temporary XL dog crate and run, living at night on my garage floor, on the grass during the day. We're quite fond of them but need a way to tell them apart for sure.

Building a coop of old wooden fence panels. Came here for advice on that. Walls, people door are done. Just need to roof it now, add hardware cloth, and put in finish details like a chicken door and ramp. Exciting!
Hi, all. New to chickens. Bought 6 Rhode Island Reds from a friend. They are 4.5 months old, already time is passing and I was told they should be laying soon. ( Not risking chicks yet.)

I have Harvey Ussery's new edition book and one of us has been watching chicken videos for several years. We will need lots of coaching. ( Is there a novice forum?)

Still have them in temporary XL dog crate and run, living at night on my garage floor, on the grass during the day. We're quite fond of them but need a way to tell them apart for sure.

Building a coop of old wooden fence panels. Came here for advice on that. Walls, people door are done. Just need to roof it now, add hardware cloth, and put in finish details like a chicken door and ramp. Exciting!
Welcome to BYC!!

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