Niacin Deficiency in Duckling


In the Brooder
May 16, 2020

In response to my last thread, I've done so so so much research on the subject of what causes a duckling to limp, and I'm about 95% what my baby Moe is experiencing is a niacin deficiency.

For context; I started noticing my 4/5 week mallard, Moe, limping early yesterday morning when I came to check on the flock. Her left foot was mildly swollen and she had a huge reluctancy to walk, even so much as stand. After realizing it was a niacin issue, I purchased a Durvet Vitamin and Electrolyte supplement for the water + food; I also ordered some Durvet High Level B Complex to administer to her personally to make sure she's getting enough, but due to COVID-19 it may be delayed in shipping.

All Sunday I kept her away from the other two mallards we have and off of her foot. She was able to walk around fine with little to no issue, however I was told this morning her gimp-walk came back. I'm unsure if her walk improved, I won't be able to helicopter her for most of this week due to family reasons (when the liquid supplement comes however, I'll be there daily to help administer it).

I've raised a flock before, however this is my first time ever really dealing with an injury/illness of this nature. I would absolutely 100% appreciate every bit of help and/or advice you have, particularly if there's anything I'm not doing or could do better for her at this time.

Thank you!! :)
You can get B/Niacin supplements or Nutritional yeast (not baking yeast, its bright yellow flaky stuff) at health/bulk food stores while you wait for your shipment to come in. Should also check the bottoms of her feet to make sure there's no injury/bumblefoot going on if that wasnt already suggested
I haven't seen your duck in person, but the symptoms you describe doesn't sound like its a niacin deficiency to me, one niacin deficient birds *tend* to trip over their feet rather then showing limping when they walk, in addition, niacin deficient birds tend to slowly progress with their symptoms, if your bird is limping, it happened suddenly, and his leg is swollen that sounds like an injury to me.

Could you upload a video of him walking to a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo, copy/paste the link here?

Could you check the bottom of his feet for any sign of Bumblefoot, does the leg feel warmer than the other?
I haven't seen your duck in person, but the symptoms you describe doesn't sound like its a niacin deficiency to me, one niacin deficient birds *tend* to trip over their feet rather then showing limping when they walk, in addition, niacin deficient birds tend to slowly progress with their symptoms, if your bird is limping, it happened suddenly, and his leg is swollen that sounds like an injury to me.

Could you upload a video of him walking to a video platform like Youtube or Vimeo, copy/paste the link here?

Could you check the bottom of his feet for any sign of Bumblefoot, does the leg feel warmer than the other?
Sure thing!
(please feel free to ignore the black spot, camera has a crack in it. 😅)

When researching into foot/leg injuries I made sure to check into every last option- I see no signs of Bumblefoot and I don't feel a difference in heat; the only real injuries I can think of is a broken foot or a slipped tendon.

On both the video and IRL Moe does this hoppy-step, and her left foot just kinda slaps the ground. It's much less swollen and now looks fairly shriveled(?) I now however have her in my care 24/7 so I'll be with her for the rest of the week. I'm hoping to take her to the Vet sometime soon to get a proper diagnosis, but atm I would really appreciate the feedback. :)

Thank you!!
Let us know how it goes.
Good afternoon!!

We were able to get little Moe into the vet today. :)
Yesterday we had decided it was most likely a slipped tendon, and that assumption was correct. We were told that we could splint it and/or go through surgery, but that those options didn't generally yield many results. We've currently got the foot splint and will possibly look into surgeries; but the prognosis didn't give me very much hope. I'm feeling very drained and defeated, but I'll do the best I can.

(Here's Moe's new fancy splint!)
Sound like you and Moe have had a diffiuclt few days.

Have you done all the reading here on slipped tendons ? I would also continue with the niacin supplements and would throw in ACE vits & selenium.

I know its been a hard day but I would really encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, take one day at a time and you and Moe keep up the good fight.

Sending you hugs ! :hugs
Sound like you and Moe have had a diffiuclt few days.

Have you done all the reading here on slipped tendons ? I would also continue with the niacin supplements and would throw in ACE vits & selenium.

I know its been a hard day but I would really encourage you to keep doing what you are doing, take one day at a time and you and Moe keep up the good fight.

Sending you hugs ! :hugs
Thank you!! We appreciate the kind words through and through. :)

I've been doing as much reading as I can, and I've done a lot of processing after yesterday and I'm ready to take on whatever happens. We're gonna give it a few days to see how her leg is doing; we've been considering meeting with a surgeon soon, but we aren't 100% certain what all of the costs/options are with that yet. She's seemed to have adjusted to the splint and seems very comfortable with all the attention she's been getting.

Today, Moe's developed some kind of blister on her splinted foot? I've read somewhere that blood blisters can appear after surgery is done, but not regarding a splint or on the webbing..? We contacted our vet and they've said Moe must've had some sort trauma to his foot to cause this, but she spent most of the day in her bin to prevent that kind of thing. We've given her some anti-inflammatory meds to hopefully ease the swelling and pain for the time being- It's just been one thing after another this week.

Thanks again for the best wishes, it means a lot right now. :)

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