Niacin deficiency or other problem?


Apr 29, 2020
West Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
One of my Pekin hens is molting at the most inopportune time - when it's 20 degrees and the pond is frozen. I went out the other morning to her having a difficult time walking and keeping her feet flat on the ground. A couple times she literally fell over sideways and had a difficult time getting up. I recently changed their food to All Flock pellet feed at the recommendation of someone that said my mixture would promote obesity. This skin problem began just after the recent feed change. I immediately started giving mealworms and peas to her 2x daily. She will be 2 years old in May. I just want reassurance that Niacin is the problem, not being egg-bound or something else. Our Avian vet is scheduling 3 weeks out and the emergency vet doesn't have an avian vet staffed.
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This doesn't sounds like an egg bound issue. Usually they pump their tail and pant. They also don't tend to move around as much.

It could be possible that it is naicin, but it is very possible that something else is going on. Naicin deficiency usually presents itself with bows in their leg, their feet turned in more. I don't think that is what is going on here, but it is possible. A vet would be the best at determining what is going on. There are toxins and bacteria that can cause similar symptoms too.

You can treat naicin deficiency with vitamin b complex for the best results. You give them 1ml of it a day. This is what I use. It says injectable, but you can give it orally.

She really does look wobbly. It's weird that it would come on all of a sudden. Maybe the feed transition was not good for her and you should switch back. Have you checked the bottom of her feet to make sure that's not the problem? Does she have oyster shells on the side? Does she have a place to stay warm and dry?
All flock is fine for ducks. But, what were you feeding before? Pekins are prone to obesity no matter what you feed.
This doesn't look like a niacin deficiency, but the vitamin b complex posted above won't hurt as it has multiple benefits.
Is it possible that she has gotten into something toxic? Are any of your other ducks having issues?
She really does look wobbly. It's weird that it would come on all of a sudden. Maybe the feed transition was not good for her and you should switch back. Have you checked the bottom of her feet to make sure that's not the problem? Does she have oyster shells on the side? Does she have a place to stay warm and dry?
I checked for bumble. Her feet looked good. It's definitely an overall weakness because when she fell over sideways, she struggled to get back to her belly. She was nearly on her back. :'( She DOES seem to be improving since I'd been giving her peas and water with diluted Niacin. I don't warm any environment for them because they need to stay acclimated to the cold outdoors (West MI). They do have a double-walled house they have free range to go into by day and are closed in from the elements by night.
All flock is fine for ducks. But, what were you feeding before? Pekins are prone to obesity no matter what you feed.
This doesn't look like a niacin deficiency, but the vitamin b complex posted above won't hurt as it has multiple benefits.
Is it possible that she has gotten into something toxic? Are any of your other ducks having issues?
I don't know where she could get access to anything toxic. That's why I worried it had something to do with the feed change. They haven't been leaving their yard since we've had quite a bit of snow and cold. No other ducks are having similar issues. She is the "runt" of the flock and is also the drake's favorite. But I know she's not over-sexed because he had a prolapse issue some time ago and can't "perform" anymore.
I don't know where she could get access to anything toxic. That's why I worried it had something to do with the feed change. They haven't been leaving their yard since we've had quite a bit of snow and cold. No other ducks are having similar issues. She is the "runt" of the flock and is also the drake's favorite. But I know she's not over-sexed because he had a prolapse issue some time ago and can't "perform" anymore.
Being the runt could mean she might have neurological and physical issues that you aren't aware of. The drake might not be able to do "the deed" but its the act of climbing on her back that could be causing problems if she's his favorite and smaller than the others.
How long ago did you transition feeds? What were you feeding before?
I checked for bumble. Her feet looked good. It's definitely an overall weakness because when she fell over sideways, she struggled to get back to her belly. She was nearly on her back. :'( She DOES seem to be improving since I'd been giving her peas and water with diluted Niacin. I don't warm any environment for them because they need to stay acclimated to the cold outdoors (West MI). They do have a double-walled house they have free range to go into by day and are closed in from the elements by night.
If she is doing better with the increased naicin, the best bet is to use the vitamin b complex and not dilute it. That way she gets that maximum amount and will work faster. Peas are a great treat, but they don't have nearly as much naicin as they need. I certainly would stop it, but the vitamin b complex is really the levels you are looking for. Pekin need the highest amount of naicin out of any the mallard breeds.
Looks like some sort of a vertigo issue, she almost fell over when flapping her wings. Could be a sinus thing. How do her eyes look?
Can try VetRX to see if that helps.. it can't hurt 🤷

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