no eggs for two weeks


7 Years
May 10, 2012
i have three ameraucanas who've been laying for about four months now - started in december...stopped, then started again in late feb. (also have one barred rock who is younger and hasn't started yet.) from the three that are laying, i'd usually get one every day or every other day from each of them. for the last two weeks, no eggs at all. it's so weird. they are about a year old and i'm feeding them layena and kitchen scraps. should i be doing something different? i've noticed some feathers in the coop but not a ton. could one chicken molting change the laying behavior of all three chickens? also do full moons have anything to do with it? i had a dog who use sometimes had seizures around full moons. help...
Im in the same situation...I have 3 Rhode Island Reds that are not a year old yet. In December they all started laying and then due to weather changes production slowed down for 2 of them and one has stopped producing all together. The weather here in MN has been fantastic since feb/march, but yet one still fails to produce.

I will add that we have one laying box and I think I may try sectioning it off to see if that helps the situation. Setting a empty bucket of KFC outside of the chicken run did not encourage her! :) Just Kidding!!!!

Any other ideas from folks would be greatly appreciated.
that is so weird, I'm looking at this forum because my two americaunas also quit laying about two weeks ago and I thought I'd get some input too. Weather is nice, no change in feed, the other hens are laying, just no blue eggs :(
Any thoughts anybody?
i have three ameraucanas who've been laying for about four months now - started in december...stopped, then started again in late feb. (also have one barred rock who is younger and hasn't started yet.) from the three that are laying, i'd usually get one every day or every other day from each of them. for the last two weeks, no eggs at all. it's so weird. they are about a year old and i'm feeding them layena and kitchen scraps. should i be doing something different? i've noticed some feathers in the coop but not a ton. could one chicken molting change the laying behavior of all three chickens? also do full moons have anything to do with it? i had a dog who use sometimes had seizures around full moons. help...

Are you giving them oyster shell? That's the one thing i might think about adding, close to the same thing happened to me and I gave them some oyster shell mixed in with their feed and laying picked right back up again. I don't think that one chicken molting would change the others, i don't really think full moons have anything to do with it.
My EE is a very fussy bird... She is very sensitive to stress. I got her in July and didn't actually get eggs from her until Feb.... I thought she was too old to lay! When we moved in April she was off for a couple of weeks, now she gives us 2-4 eggs a week.

I think the colored egg breeds are very sensitive to seasonal sunshine ( hence the dec to feb egg strike) has there been anything to upset them recently?
Cooler or cloudy weather? Shade? Changes to use of the area around the coop? Intro of new birds?

I would think they may also be mounlting, but I would need one of the pros here to back me on this one as my other girls are just coming on the one year mark themselves.

Good luck
Ok, so I've added oyster shell top the feed, I've kept it separate, but maybe they didn't get enough. How long before they start laying again, of thats the problem?
Mine were not getting enough when it was out seperate so putting it in the feed was much better for me it should be long before they start up again (if thats the problem) it only took a few days before I was getting eggs again.
I have 2 hens.
They both started laying about 2 months ago
One lays every day at the same time.
The other one whenever she feels like it.
Is this unusual?
As in when ever she feels like it is it every 2 days? Because it is very normal to have a layer that lays every other day.

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