Not sure what is ailing my 20 week old chicken?


Apr 19, 2023
Background: it will be day 7 of me noticing the fluffed feather area tomorrow (Thursday). At first I thought it was respiratory issues as all of my chickens have sneezing and some sound raspy. They all got the sneeze one after the other. But never had any snotty noses or lethargy. I started them all on deneguard yesterday, and today, most of them already sound much better. The particular chicken I will have in pictures has progressed to isolate herself. Yesterday she ate just as much as the others but just wanted to sit down more than usual. She sleeps all day even in this heat wave (103-106 everyday in Texas). Now, I haven’t seen her eat all day and she doesn’t run out for cold fruit like the others. She stays in the same spot sitting down and sleeping, tail down. I attached a photo of her poop the other day too. It was watery but I assume it’s from more excess water consumption cause the heat. What can I do to help her? And what do y’all think it is? She’s not sneezing like the others. Sometimes she pauses and stands in one leg. She also will just plop down in the middle of the yard (usually she huddled with the others) and fall asleep. I believe all their poo is this green color because of their layer feed (it’s a light green color).


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Has she began to lay eggs yet? The last dropping with the yellow mucus and green, plus some pink intestinal shed could be significant. She might be experiencing a reproductive disorder, have worms, or have some coccidiosis. I would try to get her drinking fluids, and offer some wet feed and cooked egg. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml daily or electrolytes may help in the heat. Is her crop emptying overnight?
Has she began to lay eggs yet? The last dropping with the yellow mucus and green, plus some pink intestinal shed could be significant. She might be experiencing a reproductive disorder, have worms, or have some coccidiosis. I would try to get her drinking fluids, and offer some wet feed and cooked egg. Poultry NutriDrench 2 ml daily or electrolytes may help in the heat. Is her crop emptying overnight?
No eggs yet. Out of 7, I have 1 layer. Two more have begun the submissive squats but not her. What should I treat for first? Deworming or coccidiosis? So far, no one else is showing signs of being like her in the 7 days I’ve watched her - if that helps. They all have access to electrolyte water in the heat. Her crop emptied but today, she hasn’t eaten. What should I start with for treatment? Im worried if I treat for coccidiosis, that she will lose ability it stand for not getting any vitamin b. But obviously I know I have to treat her with something.
Self isolation will mean she's not feeling great. Ruffled feathers with dropped tail can mean shock from infection or deficiency, or pain. Standing on one leg can indicate trying to take pressure of an area such as hip or cloaca.

Have you palpated her belly for signs of pain, fluid?

And definitely a pinkness to droppings, while vet information claims this is normal intestinal lining shed, in the presence of her other symptoms, it can be a sign of inflammation from reproductive tract disease. We could also think then egg yolk peritonitis secindary to, or as a sequela of another illness.

Important to consider vet for follow up. Meanwhile Yes, fluids, encourage eating and if you have an anti inflammatory such as meloxicam, there would be no harm trying that with the only precaution of not giving it to her in the sure presence of blood on her excretions (in case something has eroded her intestinal tract or some other area).
Is there any chance that your vet could do a fecal float on her fresh droppings in the morning? They could also prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Meloxicam is a prescription drug for inflammation and pain. Do you have any antibiotics? Amoxicillin can sometimes be given for possible reproductive infections, and she could be wormed with Valbazen or Safeguard (fenbendazole.) Coccidiosis is usually seen in much younger birds, but could be a possibility in an immune compromised bird. First though, I would get her drinking and given some electrolytes. Tomorrow, check with a vet, try to get an antibiotic started, and then get a wormer.
Self isolation will mean she's not feeling great. Ruffled feathers with dropped tail can mean shock from infection or deficiency, or pain. Standing on one leg can indicate trying to take pressure of an area such as hip or cloaca.

Have you palpated her belly for signs of pain, fluid?

And definitely a pinkness to droppings, while vet information claims this is normal intestinal lining shed, in the presence of her other symptoms, it can be a sign of inflammation from reproductive tract disease. We could also think then egg yolk peritonitis secindary to, or as a sequela of another illness.

Important to consider vet for follow up. Meanwhile Yes, fluids, encourage eating and if you have an anti inflammatory such as meloxicam, there would be no harm trying that with the only precaution of not giving it to her in the sure presence of blood on her excretions (in case something has eroded her intestinal tract or some other area).
I found her stiff as a board when checking on her. I know it wasn’t the heat that got her because the others are fine. I think I’m going to begin with deworming them as I haven’t routineley done that since I got them. I see paleness in my speckled Sussex comb. If deworming doesn’t work, then I’m go see a vet but not sure where to start. Because they all don’t show symptoms of anything wrong. All of a sudden though, one of my most bottom of the pecking order Easter eggers tries to kill my runt speckled Sussex any chance she gets. It is not a regular peck, it is flying at her with her claws and pulling on her feathers almost like a wrestling move. I’ve protected the runt in a screened in area while they are in the coop over night. And I’m going to keep them separate to free range at diff times so she can have a chance to survive. What a rough day as it feels like my flock just got crazily mean overnight
Sorry for your loss. What is your general location? Most state vets will do a necropsy to look for a cause of death and offer more testing. I do necropsies at home on hens I lose, and sometimes if you take pictures of the organs, we can offer any advice. Here is a list of state vets to contact if you decide to go that route, but keep the body cold in a cooler if getting a necropsy:
I disposed of her body. She was a pretty heavy weighted girl and ate healthily. I would have to drive her 4 hours away to the state lab that accepts them. My vet told me that when I got a routine fecal check couple months ago. Can I ask one more question? I noticed my speckled Sussex very healthy it looks, isn’t lethargic but also likes to just plop down in random spots in the yard and just chill there for hours. She gets up to eat and drink. She has had projectile diahrrea but I can’t put my finger on what t is. I can’t afford to deworm AND pay for a $50 fecal test at my vet. I just figured it wouldn’t hurt to deworm them if they do have overload of parasites.

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