Odd behaviour - is it illness?


Jul 29, 2020
United Kingdom
I have this cortunix quail, she is around 18 weeks old. Seems healthy in every other respect, but this morning I keep seeing her do this:
Hopefully the video link works!

There’s only two of them together and they grew up together, she’s eating and drinking, she’s her usual bossy self, still laying and pooping. The other girl seems healthy too.

You can see though in the vid that she’s a bit puffed up and her wings are dropped. She did this for a couple mins, then when I opened her cage she acted totally normally...
I am a worrier so it may be nothing but does anyone have any ideas?

ps. They like to push their bums out of the cage to poop a few times in the day hence the cardboard!

Thanks fellow quailers!
The video did eventually work! 👍 I’m not entirely sure why they do this. My silver laced Wyandotte was doing this yesterday morning but stopped. Sometimes chickens and quails will do this and it looks like they might have inhaled wrong or something I’m never too worried because it usually clears up. If it dosen’t then do tell because she might then have some respiratory problem but she’s probably fine.

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