I did something similar where I clip to eye hooks I put into the coop frame. I didn't want the clip just hanging in the coop when the door was shut. My door is on the inside. How does your work with snow build up? I'm worried that snow might be an issue later on & the door won't open or close properly. I did have to move a pile of straw away from the door this morning, but I wasn't surprised since they dig around in in it a lot. I'm already seeing warping on the board I used, but it's just plywood. Next year I'll probably get something a little more sturdy to use, esp if this seems to be an issue as winter progresses. I didn't bother with a door before, but it's less to keep the chickens in and more to keep winter out. When it gets warm again I'll likely remove the door.

Luckily the door is on the north side away from the blowing snow. The ramp has gotten several inches on it but never a foot. I hasn't ever frozen shut or anything. The rope has frozen pretty good a couple times but brute strength and I can still use it.

I have two separate flocks. My yard flock is all different breeds no two the same except for the three EE's so it's easy to tell who is laying what. Then my Ameraucana flock which is harder to determine.
This made me think about something. Do any of you have chickens that lay eggs that are not quite smooth too the touch? If so what causes that?

I have BCM that speckles her eggs and they feel textured. Then my OE who I know is a BCM cross speckles some of her eggs and I can feel the specks on them.
The BCM girl also sometimes speckles the whites of her eggs. I know it's not blood or meat spots. It's like the spray painted started a little early. LOL
Luckily the door is on the north side away from the blowing snow. The ramp has gotten several inches on it but never a foot. I hasn't ever frozen shut or anything. The rope has frozen pretty good a couple times but brute strength and I can still use it.

I have BCM that speckles her eggs and they feel textured. Then my OE who I know is a BCM cross speckles some of her eggs and I can feel the specks on them.
The BCM girl also sometimes speckles the whites of her eggs. I know it's not blood or meat spots. It's like the spray painted started a little early. LOL
I hope I'm that lucky. You get a lot more snow than we do so hopefully I'll be ok w/ the snow situation. Our coop is raised so I'm hoping that it's high enough that snow won't drift or blow into the coop.
I have an amber brown that I just discovered was laying my textured eggs & my Aussie occ. lays eggs w/ raised speckling. I thought it as interesting b/c the one laying the textured eggs has a brown wing feather, but is otherwise all white. I also get quite a few BIG eggs that have small wrinkles.
I was going to go shopping today but the sales at TSC start tomorrow so i will wait rather than make an extra trip.
The Slacker workers are not coming to work today. Sigh, yep i am thinking Xmas for the goat shed to be done!
I wonder if I can shop online and have my husband pick up the stuff on Monday. We'll be gone all weekend.
I hope I'm that lucky. You get a lot more snow than we do so hopefully I'll be ok w/ the snow situation. Our coop is raised so I'm hoping that it's high enough that snow won't drift or blow into the coop.
I have an amber brown that I just discovered was laying my textured eggs & my Aussie occ. lays eggs w/ raised speckling. I thought it as interesting b/c the one laying the textured eggs has a brown wing feather, but is otherwise all white. I also get quite a few BIG eggs that have small wrinkles.
My set up has metal roofing over the first 3 to 6 feet of the run, depending on which one it is. The coop is divided in half, so there are two runs. Any way, the snow will likely not bother my pop doors.... and the sides have tarps .

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