Every time I would kneel down one of the chicks would fly up to my head or shoulders and perch while I cleaned. I'd often have to call my husband to come de-chicken me so I could get up.

They're almost eight months old and one or two are still fond of doing this. The hens are a lot heavier these days and they have long sharp claws. But once they settle in and roost on my shoulder or back it's kind of warm and cozy.

But the last time I had a perched hen on my back, I turned my head to look at something and my peripheral vision caught a blurry look at a poised beak and I turned my head back just in time and got beaked on the side of my face. That was a close call. I think she was after my eyelashes.

I think goggles should be worn around beaked creatures at all times.
I love my parrot, but never let her sit on my shoulder. They are still wild animals even though they are friendly, you want to protect your face. Even a chicken's beak can do permanent damage to your face and eyes. Dylan gets to sit on my knee to watch TV for 1/2 hr before bedtime. She has given up on trying to climb up any higher due to that causing an early bedtime!
Suspect you're right. Time will tell.
:) You wanted more pigs, looks like you will get your wish! I have read that the pot-belly breeders like to breed them young, so that when the buyers come to pick up a piglet, the parents look small. They have not grown full size, but the buyers do not know that about pigs and assume that the piglet will only get to the size of the mom. Wrong, mom is only 7 months old and half grown!
Well the lady got back to us... She didn't even know what gender the pigs were.:th
Congrats! I would def be looking to get that guy fixed. Maybe you can get him in by next week... not that it will stop any litter already in progress, but it will prevent others. And now you know for next time... likely all their females are knocked up.
Seems like it! I'm not pregnant yet (or I don't think I am). I hope to get pregnant again before my son's 2nd birthday.
lots of times it is hard to get pregnant when breast feeding
Well the lady got back to us... She didn't even know what gender the pigs were.:th
umm I do not know about your pigs, but the farm pigs had visible testicles at a fairly young age....4-6 months:old

go wrestle him down and take a look LOL:ya
It's been 4 months some days are better than others

Exercises for the feet helped a bit, Vicks on my feet, soaking helped ease pain. Arch or no arch support didn't make a difference. I just decided to learn to live with as in permanent and one day I realized it didn't hurt anymore.

What a relief! I think in my case all the walking didn't help especially since I had to walk up a hill to get to main road.

I hope you heal much faster than I did and find relief from pain in the meantime
lots of times it is hard to get pregnant when breast feeding

I'm sorry but where I grew up that breast feeding idea was an old wife's tale. That's why alot of children born there are about 12 to 24 months apart.

What's true about breast feeding is that it does help to loose weight and contract uterus into an almost pre pregnancy size.

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