Is anyone else dealing with frozen hoses this morning? :barnie Dang you winter!!!!!! :rant

No outside water in winter here! Those no freeze spigots are a joke! Now I just turn the water off to outside. Have to haul 3 gallon containers out to the coop.

Good morning fellow Squatchers. Im baking pies today. 1 pumpkin 1 pecan and 1 choclate cream. What kind of pies is everyone else baking?

I made banana bread! But I'm rude and eating it. LOL
I feel guilty admitting we are warm enough to open the windows.

It is hard to NOT dig into banana bread. :D
Nothing wrong with making sure it is tasty!

Geesh Smuv just 16 pages?

Well I best get going. Apparently I am supposed to attend Hubby's luncheon at work.

Totally not into crowds of any size. :hmm
I wondered the same thing, but I don't NEED anything right now so I'm just going to wait. Saving $1 on a bag of feed isn't enough incentive to deal with people, plus I won't have spending $$ until my next pay, this pay goes to rent.

I have 2 runs also, but Odin's inside area was confined to a 2'x 4' space so I built another 2'x4' space off his run door which also helped block the wind that blows in from the south. The run door for the ladies faces east, but the wind from the north blows through even though we have trees blocking the back section from the big blasts. I thought about putting tarps of plastic on the sides of the run, but I'm not sure how much it'll help. The back section is actually wooden snow fence so I feel like it's blocking a good deal of the wind back there. It's visible from the road so I don't want to make my parent's yard look anymore 'country' than it already does, but it's an option if things get really bad later.

Wow, what a story! Good to hear he's recovering well. Do you plan on putting him back out with the rest of the flock at some point?

The store by me has had the Sweet PDZ on sale for $8.99 a bag for at least the past month. I got it when I put in my poop boards and I just bought another bag on Saturday and it was still $8.99.

Happy birthday!!!!

I read on another post that a 2 month old piglet could impregnante it's own mother if you didn't remove it soon enough! You might have some babies on the way! According to the internet if she is pregnant you have 3-4 months to prepare. Hopefully your guy was fixed, if not, unless you are planning on breeding you'll want to get him fixed asap. If so you may want to consider separate quarters for them as he'll impregnante her again soon after birth and that is hard on the female (based on another post I read

Someone said they'd be away this week b/c of holiday prep, maybe it was her? I have trouble keeping people straight... I think it was her b/c she has all the baby chicks, right?

I should try that w/ Odin, maybe he'd be nicer to me.. but I'd be afraid he'd eat my fingers. Every time I had feed someone they try to eat my flesh.

That happened to my daughter w/ our delaware. She was holding her and as she turned her head Jaiden went for her eye. Very scary. She was ok, but she scolds Jaiden every time she sees her now.

They sell ear piercing kits at Walmart, but I'm sure you can get them online. Or if you're really brave, just your pointiest earring and shove it through. I pierced my brother's friend's ear in HS like that. My daughter's holes keep healing over too so I just line the back hole up and shove it through.

Mine are the white-ish dome w/ a green base, but I put those away for the 2.5 gallon heater waterer from tractor supply. So far so good, except with 1 incident where I spilled out all the water flipping it the first time, and my ladies constantly kicking straw into it. I don't have it hanging. I also don't like the metal kind b/c I worried in the freezing weather they'd get stuck on it & thought it might freeze faster, plus I needed something that was heated.
Not sure if you have one by you, but at Tractor Supply I saw a bucket with the nipples already attached. You could also check w/ a grocery store bakery section for the food grade buckets their frosting typically comes in, you might get them for free.
Oh, boy. I never considered a bunch of chickens freezing to a metal waterer. The image in my head right now, not pretty. :p

Recycled buckets already in use for human food is a great suggestion, thanks. The nipple thing does intrigue me. I've read a lot about it, but for now I don't have anywhere to hang a heavy bucket. I just wish there was a more elegant option than plastic.

You know, the kind of waterer Pinterest would authorize for use as a photo prop.
Things I never thought I'd ever have a reason to say:

Hortense, stop being a gosh darned cannibal, you brute!

(Which brings to mind a book title for a library of chicken self-help books: "Cannibalism in the Twenty-First Century and How to Be a Better You.")

She's staring at me again. SHE'S STARING AT ME AGAIN!

I have a feather stuck in my teeth.

Honey, prep the freezer. I'm done with chickens!
I feel guilty admitting we are warm enough to open the windows.

It is hard to NOT dig into banana bread. :D
Nothing wrong with making sure it is tasty!

Geesh Smuv just 16 pages?

Well I best get going. Apparently I am supposed to attend Hubby's luncheon at work.

Totally not into crowds of any size. :hmm
Warm enough to open windows is subjective. Sometimes it's snowing and I'll open the windows. Sometimes you just need fresh air!

Oh, boy. I never considered a bunch of chickens freezing to a metal waterer. The image in my head right now, not pretty. :p

Recycled buckets already in use for human food is a great suggestion, thanks. The nipple thing does intrigue me. I've read a lot about it, but for now I don't have anywhere to hang a heavy bucket. I just wish there was a more elegant option than plastic.

You know, the kind of waterer Pinterest would authorize for use as a photo prop.
I have a couple ladies that aren't particularly bright.. I could totally see my rooster getting his not-so-little waddles stuck to it. They both have heated dishes. Odin has a dog dish. I'm thinking about putting a bottle in the middle so maybe he'll figure out how to keep his waddles out before they fall off.
Things I never thought I'd ever have a reason to say:

Hortense, stop being a gosh darned cannibal, you brute!

(Which brings to mind a book title for a library of chicken self-help books: "Cannibalism in the Twenty-First Century and How to Be a Better You.")

She's staring at me again. SHE'S STARING AT ME AGAIN!

I have a feather stuck in my teeth.

Honey, prep the freezer. I'm done with chickens!
As long as it's not a children's book. Mine eat feathers too. I know it means something, but it's still weird.

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