Hitting TSC on black Friday.... they have our oldest cats favorite litter on sale $5 off... so we can get as many as we can.... and I like the buckets to reuse. Also gonna get cattle panels.

Hoping to put together at least one cattle panel coop together since the DH has a 4 day weekend. We need to get the Brat Pack moved into an actual COOP, instead of in the geri rigged *coop*... that they have already broken out of... damn brats.

I'm not cooking as we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. DH is part Cherokee, part Shoshone. I need to get stuff for tamales, but no motivation.... I think It is @CarolinaSunshineFlock fault..... needs ta get her arse up outta that DECK CHAIR!!!!
OK caught up! Whew...... y'all can chat!!!

Did anyone see this post?!? https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/kill-a-racoon-go-to-jail.1208992/

I know one of us drowned a predator recently... can't remember who though......

I checked the laws, raccoons aren't protected if they are killing livestock in WV.
How long would it take to drive to West Virginia? I'll be there for lunch ... someday!!!
I'm going to be making them when I get to PA tonight/tomorrow.
Hitting TSC on black Friday.... they have our oldest cats favorite litter on sale $5 off... so we can get as many as we can.... and I like the buckets to reuse. Also gonna get cattle panels.

Hoping to put together at least one cattle panel coop together since the DH has a 4 day weekend. We need to get the Brat Pack moved into an actual COOP, instead of in the geri rigged *coop*... that they have already broken out of... damn brats.

I'm not cooking as we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here. DH is part Cherokee, part Shoshone. I need to get stuff for tamales, but no motivation.... I think It is @CarolinaSunshineFlock fault..... needs ta get her arse up outta that DECK CHAIR!!!!
Hey, woman ... mind your own dang deck chair.

But wow, it's understandable why your DH doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving. Was his family the same when he was growing up? Is this common among Native Americans?

By the way, this is the ghost of Carolina Sunshine Flock speaking. The real CSF is hard at work on her fencing boards. Yep, she sure is.

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