Sorry I’m new here, what’s a swatch watcher?

We are an oddball group that got to be friends while following the capture of a feral chicken. It was believed that there were two but to date only a rooster has been captured.
Due to having only seen glimpses of the bird before capture it was determined that they were like sasquatch. She named him Mr. Squatch.
Super fun following along there and @Smuvers Farm made us a new thread in a better location to continue being chicken nuts.

Everyone is welcome and the entire thread is off topic so nothing is off topic.

Loves you Smuv. I do hope the kiddo gets feeling better!
I am also watching Iron Chef. No way can I justify the cost of lobster or caviar! :rolleyes:
I had a really fun and interesting experience that fit with one of the food network shows. Sorry I don't have TV or cable so I don't watch anymore. I was able to spend a month with Mom and she was cooking for a homeless shelter at her church. We would have a basic plan based upon what proteins and other stuff we had, but the real challenge happened when the donation truck arrived.

We would take the most useful stuff off the truck, then I'd run to the store and get what ever stuff we needed and we'd build a gourmet meal for the shelter. it was really rewarding and they appreciated the high quality food.
I'm back! Out sick yesterday... Mild respitory infection, sinus infection, and a migraine... But I'm up and kicking today! A while ago, I hatched some black australorps. It was my first time hatching, and only three out of sixteen hatched. two of those three died, so the last one was pretty cuddly until we could get more chicks.(He also turned out to be a rooster... an amazing rooster, but we're in a neighborhood...) He loved sitting in my moms hair, and my mom loved it too... Until he declared war on her eye...
@CapricornFarm, yikes! I got my ears peairced 4 1/2 weeks ago, and they're achy... Not letting the chickens near them now! I forget who did that post, but that's really interesting about the kits! They cost less than it cost for me to get my first lobe piercings! I'd like too get a set of cartilage piercings, too... I know what I want for Christmas now... :)
Ruby, you really don't want cartilage hurts and takes a long time to heal.
@CapricornFarm, yikes! I got my ears peairced 4 1/2 weeks ago, and they're achy... Not letting the chickens near them now! I forget who did that post, but that's really interesting about the kits! They cost less than it cost for me to get my first lobe piercings! I'd like too get a set of cartilage piercings, too... I know what I want for Christmas now... :)

A word of caution against using the piercing cartridges to do your cartilage!! They are blunt and will most likely cause keloids (I have a ton of piercings and am speaking from experience).

Harder tissue like cartilage needs to be pierced with a hollow needle and have appropriate surgical steel type jewelry put in. You CAN use a piercing gun but I wouldn't recommend it (neither would any legitamite piercer). You can get hollow needles online! I've done most of my own piercings :)

Hoping none of that came off as condescending- just trying to save you from the same mistakes myself and many others have made :lau
I have 8 piercings.
The worst one, as fast as healing time, was the belly button.
Having clothes/pants rub up against all the time did not help.

I can not wear anything but "real" jewelry in the holes or they hurt.
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